From the Principal

Please download the SFS School APP.

This week we have been informed that Flexibuzz will be closing on the 30 June 2020. Thus it is timely that we have a new school app. We ask parents to please download this app this week if you have not done so already. Both parents need to have the app so that you both can receive any emergency notifications from the school. Our new app will provide easy access to all the various ways we are communicating with families. The feedback has been very positive.


To login add the following:

Login: sfslynbrook

password: sfscomm


See the links at the bottom of this page.

Reading Data from our Remote Learning


We are delighted with the reading level data of our Juniors!!


No one regressed!!

90% of all juniors made positive growth!! 

A significant number made more than 4 levels of growth.

Only 10% made no growth. Further investigation of these children reveal that there was inconsistent participation during Remote learning as one factor. 

Well done to our students, parents and teachers.


Parent Response to Remote Learning


The period of remote learning has been a challenging time for us all, but despite the major disruptions to normal activities, there will be many valuable lessons derived from this period that we as a school, and the system, wish to take forward. 


Below is a link to a survey in order to help capture the learnings from the remote learning period.


There is also a teacher and student survey. The surveys are designed to be a quick capture of learnings while the experience is fresh, and are not designed to capture every aspect of schooling during the lockdown period. 


Your feedback will be valuable in learning from the experience and improving education outcomes. More about why we should capture learnings at this time (from Dr Simon Breakspear, Agile Schools)

Here is the link to the survey. It is expected the survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete.


Parent or Carer survey  


Thank you for taking the time to contribute to our learnings as a school and education system.


School Reports

Next week by Thursday the Semester one written school report for each student will be sent out electronically to parents. 


Despite the fact that we have all experienced  great challenges during this semester while students were remote learning due to COVID-19 restrictions, there will be a written report! The report for this time will be based on work the teachers were able to observe during Google Meets and also on work tuned in via the Google Classrooms. Thus if your child participated actively in the remote learning, attended Google Meets and submitted work they will have an assessment and comments for each area of the report.


The report for Religious Education and Inquiry in Term 2 will look different to the format of the report for Term 1.  For Term 2 we will provide a more concise dot point of what was achieved during this time of great restrictions. All other areas will be the same.


 I thank the staff for all their work in writing these reports. This is not an easy task and teachers spend countless hours examining the evidence of learning to write constructive comments to describe the learning of each child and indicate the next learning goals. 


Reports are not the end of learning but are an essential part of the learning cycle. The report should provide clear guidelines of ways the child can progress to the next step on their learning continuum. If you have any questions please come and see the teacher.


Parent/Teacher Interviews will occur at the end of Term 3 


Accessing the Electronic School Report at SFS 


 As in 2019, the report will arrive electronically to the nforma Parent Portal. 


 On Thursday 25 June 2020 at 10am you will be able to login to the Parent Portal on nForma, and view your child’s report. 


Your child's report can be accessed via the NForma Parent Portal. Please click the url below:

There is also a link to the Parent Portal on the school website under News.



New families this year will receive an email with a generic password and login.

Families who received the report electronically in 2019, can view each child’s report by entering the same username and password as you did in 2019. Use your email shared with the school as your username and the password you previously set in 2019.


Forgotten passwords: If you have forgotten your password, please follow the 'forgotten password' link. 


Please note that your new password needs to be at least 7 characters long and must include at least one non alpha-numeric character, e.g. *, - / or similar.  If you have requested a password reset and the email does not appear, please look in your junk/spam folder for an email from 


 If after following these steps, you are still experiencing difficulty please contact the school during school hours.


Safety Reminders during COVID-19 Restrictions

 Need not be complacent and follow the rules to keep our community safe. 

So at St Francis de Sales ...  

Parents will not be able to enter the school learning spaces  at this time.


Drop Off/ Pick up

Please remain in your car at ALL times. 

The teacher on duty will help young children if required.


Please DO NOT arrive before 8:25 am or 3:10pm into the Drop off or Pick up Zone. 


TURN LEFT in and out of the School Gates.


This keeps traffic flowing as we are not waiting for vehicles to turn right.

Left turning vehicles bypass being stopped at the school crossing when exiting the school. Keeping traffic flowing. 

It is safer for pedestrians.

It now just takes 1 minute to 2 and a half minutes for the circuit into the gate, pick up and out of the school gate! That is sensational and very efficient.


Thanks to all for your support following these rules.

School Closes on Friday 26 June 2020 for Term 2 School Holidays


School closes at 2:30 for School Holidays. 


Departure Times will be as follows:

  • 2:15 pm - A-K Surnames
  • 2:30 pm - L-Z Surnames