Visual Arts

Visual Arts


During Term One in Junior Art, the students studied ceramics. The Year 7 students created ceramic fish and the Year 8s created ceramic birds. Both year levels followed the art process when undertaking the ceramic sculpture unit. For the Year 8 students, they researched a bird of their choice. Popular birds were toucans and various species of parrots found locally and from overseas. Students designed their feathered friend in their visual diary, considering all dimensions of the three dimensional sculpture they were going to create. Using terracotta clay, students formed two pinch pots for the body. With additional clay, they sculpted and attached the head, wings, beak and details such as the eyes. Using wooden tools, students added texture and other details to enhance their bird sculpture. Once the clay was dry, it was fired in the kiln. The Year 7s followed a similar process, however, studying fish.



We are very grateful to our Art technicians. Without their help, the work wouldn’t have been oxided, underglazed and fired in the kiln, ready for students to collect for their return in June. At the commencement of semester 2, students will have other electives to study.


Ms Fros Stabologlou

Visual Arts Teacher