Teaching and Learning

Change Yourself Change the World

Maintaining Mental Health and Well-being in Isolation

by Vineet Gill Year 9 St Francis


Coronavirus can stir up all sorts of feelings. Like fear, anxiety or stress. Although a little stress can be helpful as a motivator that keeps us self-isolating or washing our hands. However constant and high levels of stress can negatively affect our mental and physical health. Taking care of our minds in the middle of a pandemic can be tricky. Here are a few tips to help us all get through this with less difficulty. 


It can be tempting to reach for your phone or switch on the news first thing in the morning, but starting the day with  a simple mindfulness exercise can help you check in with how you're feeling and connect with your environment. Mindfulness is known to make people feel calmer and cope better with stress. 


Additionally, try adapting and creating positive new routines which can be helpful and keep you motivated. Just like brushing our teeth every morning, adhering to a routine allows us to foster habits that match our goals and aspirations. While our routine helps us develop good habits that are in line with exploiting our full potential, it also helps to eradicate bad habits that do not serve us well. 


You should also start a home-based exercise routine and eat healthier food, as junk food release negative chemicals, bringing negativity in your life. Don’t forget to sleep well. 


You need to stay connected. Keep in touch with friends and family via email, social media, video conferencing or telephone. Keep some time exclusively to spend with your family. Talking to people you trust can ease negative emotions during a crisis. 


We have so much time on our hands, but it is really important to know how to spend it, or it just gets more difficult staying at home. You should try to occupy yourself as much as possible. To do this try reading books, cook/bake new recipes, watch movies and tv shows for entertainment or try to learn something new, like an instrument or there are many online courses as well. 


"life imposes on you things that you can't control, but you still have the choice of how you’re going to live through this."- C.D 


24/7 Mental Health Services:

● Beyond Blue - anyone feeling anxious or depressed: 

○ beyondblue.org.au 

○ 1300 22 4636 

● Kids Helpline - counselling for young people aged 5 to 25: 

○ kidshelpline.com.au 

○ 1800 55 1800 

● Lifeline - anyone having a personal crisis: 

○ lifeline.org.au ○ 13 11 14 

● Suicide Call Back Service - anyone thinking about suicide: 

○ suicidecallbackservice.org.au 

○ 1300 659 467 


Take care of yourself and others around you.

Remember we are #inthistogether