P - 2 News

Rachel Wallace

This term has been incredibly challenging for all of our students, families and staff as we have faced the Covid-19 epidemic. The flexibility and resilience needed to get through this time was enormous, preparing for remote learning and then moving back to onsite learning under very different circumstances. 


Our Prep-2 students did an amazing job during this time! I would like to congratulate them on the work they did to continue their learning whilst not at school and their return to school has been very successful. We have loved having our students back onsite and have been so impressed with how well they have settled back into the routines of school life and learning. We have been blown away by their independence and resilience in returning to school under different circumstances. Well done!!


I wanted to take this opportunity to also thank all of our Prep – year 2 families for their support this term during remote learning and then the transition back to onsite learning. All of our families undertook the task of supporting their child’s learning whilst at the same time juggling the learning of other children and work commitments. Thank you for your support and patience during this time!


Thanks also needs to go to our amazing teachers and Education Support staff for all the hard work and dedication you put into supporting our Prep-2 community. Many, many hours went into planning and learning how best to cater for our students’ learning needs during remote learning. 


Have a wonderful remainder of the term everyone! 


Blue Reading Cases

If your Prep- 2 student has a Point Cook College blue reading bag at home can you please make sure they are bringing it to school each day. For any Prep students who do not own a blue bag they are still available for purchase at the front office. If your child is in year 1 or 2 and does not have a blue reading bag, please notify your child’s homeroom teacher via Seesaw. 


Rachel Wallace

P-2 Sub School Principal