From the Principal

We have had a very positive start to Term 2 with almost all of our  students back to face to face learning.

It is important that parents/ carers notify the school if students are going to be absent from school for any reason.

GP certification may be required  for any student continuing to stay at home to learn on line.


The first lesson for the day starts at 8:45am.

It is essential that students arrive at school in time to be ready for the first lesson.

This is key learning time across the school for essential literacy skills – if students are regularly late (after 8:45am) they are missing out and sometimes never catch up on the learning they have missed.


Parents and carers are still required to remain outside classrooms while SA health restrictions are in place.

Please support our staff to keep themselves, you and your children safe by not entering school buildings (except the Admin Office) until further notice.



Our policy is that if the UV is 3 or above on any day – all students are required to wear a hat while they are outside for lunch, recess or PE lessons.


Thanks so much for your continued support in these matters.