Principal's Message
The newsletter will come out fortnightly, however, there are a number of important items that I felt needed to be communicated with the school community.
Farewell Abi
Sadly we say goodbye to Abi as she takes on a new role closer to home at Sunbury College from Monday. Abi has been with Bolinda Primary School for about 12 months and in that time has cemented herself as a huge part of the school. I have only known Abi for a short time but I know she and her never-ending talents will be missed. From working with students one-on-one to organising the daily operations of the library to ensuring the ICT equipment is in working order, Abi will be a huge asset to Sunbury College.
Riddells Creek Scout Opening
Last Tuesday, I had the honour of attending the Riddells Creek Scout Group start-of-year celebrations. The weather was very kind to the group as many people gathered for the opening ceremony and BBQ. At the presentation, I was presented with a white scarf to symbolise my involvement as a community member. The scarf sits proudly in my office and I look forward to being able to wear it at Scout events in the future.
Solar Panel & Roofing Works
This week saw a range of different works take place. Our solar panels have begun to be replaced which will greatly help the school use green energy and cut down on costs. We also have started the job of replacing some panels of our roof.
Family BBQ
We are very much looking forward to our Bolinda Primary School Family BBQ on Thursday, March 2nd. Please pop it in your diary. We'll be starting at 5.30 pm and we are hoping for some terrific weather for the evening. The school will supply the sausages and bread, so please bring anything else that you usually accompany a BBQ with. We will see you all on March 2nd.
Home Chats
These meetings are an important opportunity for you to meet the class teacher and establish a relationship that will support your child’s learning. It is an opportunity for you to provide the teacher with a snapshot of your child and valuable information about your child that might be necessary for the teacher to know to best support your child’s learning. We published our Home Chats sessions on Monday and if you would like your chat to take place online, please let your child's teacher know and they can send you the details.
A gentle reminder that if you require your child's lunch to be heated, please provide a suitable container that can go into the microwave.
School Council
At the beginning of each year, we send out information and requests for nominations for School Council membership. Being a member on School Council is a fantastic way to get an insight into the inner workings of the school, and gives us valuable insight and thoughts from our school community. Meetings are held twice a term in the evenings. This year we have 1 family member position available, however, there is the opportunity to join and take up a community member position. Nominations can be made for other people or yourself. Forms for both can be found below or collected from the office, and are due back by Friday 3rd March. If you would like a hard copy nomination form sent home with your child, please call or email and we can arrange this for you. If there are more nominations than positions, a ballot will be held before our AGM.
Jordan Chamerski