Study Hall

Study Hall is our school's independent-study and homework club. Study Hall operates 3:10 - 5:00 each school day, and is held in the Library.


Benefits of attending Homework Club / Study Hall


There are a number of advantages in going to homework club after school, even if it is just for a short time. The main benefit of coming to homework club is that it is an opportunity for you to catch up on school work that you need to have done for your teacher / and work that you have missed. You’d be surprised at how much work you can get done in a short time, when taking the opportunity to study in a quiet learning space such as the Library. 


Other benefits to coming to the Library after school include:

  • Using netbooks, computers and iPads as well as the printer/copier.
  • Computers and books for researching school work.
  • Returning, borrowing and reading books.
  • Social connectedness – meet new people, make new friends. You can even form “study groups” with your friends.
  • Develop good work habits and positive attitude towards learning – something that all students will need as they progress through secondary school and in further study after school.
  • No distractions – means that you can fully concentrate on your school work and if needed, you can ask staff for assistance.

Remember to sign in / sign out at the Library desk, the Library is open until 5pm each school day, and snacks are available!



Mr DeLeon

Library Manager