Community Events Team 

Anne Treasure 


Plant & Produce Market plus Pizza Club this Friday 3 March!  


Our first Plant and Produce market will be held straight after school next Friday 3 March. We usually sell a lot of tasty baked goods, plus plants and produce from people’s gardens. It is a fundraiser for the school and a community event. 


This time we are asking year 6 parents and carers to help set up and serve (some CET members will be there to help as well), and everyone who can to contribute by bringing baked goods, plants or other produce. If you might be able to help by baking or serving, please write your name down here


After the plant and produce market, the pizza oven will be fired up for a casual evening in the garden, so if you would like to, please bring the makings of pizza to be baked in the oven and enjoy some good food and company! Pizzas will not be sold at this event, it is simply a bring-your-own opportunity to connect and eat together. 



We need people to bring goods for the plant and produce market, and grade 6 parents (or students) to help serve. Please write your name down here if you can help. 


We are starting to get excited about our Trivia Night next term - if you would like to be part of a small team to organise this, please get in touch at That way you can engineer the themes to fit your best costume hiding in the wardrobe… 


CET dates ahead:

Plant and Produce Market - 3 March: bake or bring plants/produce, and/or set up and serve at the market 2:30-4pm. 


Pizza Club - 3 March, 31 March: come along with your pizza ready to cook or prepare and bake it in the community pizza oven! Meet some new friends or bring your old ones. More details to follow… 


Grade 3-6 Cross Country - 17 March: we will need parent helpers in the morning to help Tom keep the kids safe and on the right path. (years 3-6) 


Trivia Night - 27 May: our super-fun night of trivia, dancing and fancy dress - find a babysitter and put it in your diary now!


Shout Out! 

Shout out to Jenny, Brigid, Jane, Mary, Leanne, Tara, Samantha, Naomi, Emily, Samarra, Amelia, Alice, Lucy, Linda, Stefan, Sarah, Anne, Aurelie, Pip, Heather, Denis, Erick, Ned, Elsa, Jojo, 


Buildings and Grounds Committee dates:

Community Working Bee: Saturday 4th March | 9:30 - 12:30pm


  • Chicken Coop
  • Bush foods Garden
  • Yakai Baring - bring whipper snippers if you have one
  • Olive Grove

Gather at the Productive Garden, entry via Wales Street. Morning tea will be provided, children welcome! We are keenly anticipating the the arrival of chickens! In order to be ready to get chickens,we will be finishing the chicken coop at the working bee. It would be great to see lots of people from the whole school community there!


Weeding - 31 March: come and tidy up Yakai Baring to get ready for new plants! Bring some pizza to cook and share it afterwards!

Yakai Barring Grant

This grant will help us continue to realise the vision for Yakai Barring and give the school community more of an opportunity to share in this living outdoor education space!

Yakai Barring (Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung for ‘Surprise Track’) was established in 2015. This more than 3,000 sqm site was previously a bitumen dumping ground but with the aid of a $200,000 grant and following an intensive design process, approximately 3,500 Indigenous plants were planted to transform the space. The vision was to rehabilitate the site to be more like what it would have been hundreds of years ago - a natural undulating creek bed environment.The Landcare grant will help to fund purchase of more Indigenous plants and student incursions to learn more about biodiversity and undertake planting between now and July. Unfortunately weeds continue to be prevalent in Yakai Barring and a BIG effort is needed to keep these under control so that new plants can thrive.Saturday March 4th is our first working bee for the year - Meet at the productive garden 9:30 - 12:30. Keep an eye on Sentral and the Community Events Page in the Newsletter for further info.



If you want to get in touch about community events, email Anne and Brigid (co-chairs) at 

Buildings and Grounds:

Please see your Term 1 school calendar for dates or pick up one from the front office! The calendar is also on Sentral. 


All volunteers at the school need a valid Working With Children’s Check - click this link to apply if you don’t have one. It’s fairly straightforward and free for volunteers.