Faculty News —

Gifted & Enhancement

Another year of Enhancement is upon us! Behind the scenes the Enhancement team has been busy identifying and collating the students who will be studying an Enhancement subject - some more than one - this year. There is still work to do in this regard, but a number of classes have already begun, and it has been hugely rewarding seeing faces new and old ready to dive into challenging new activities and programs across our subject areas. Exciting opportunities abound, and our students will be looking ahead to participating and competing in everything from the Da Vinci Decathlon to the Australian History Competition, as they aim to make their personal mark on Mazenod's longstanding tradition of academic excellence and school achievement. 


Truly, that particular word - excellence - is the driving force behind not only our College, but the Enhancement program as a whole: excellence, every day, by everybody. As our cohort girds itself to solve complex mathematical problems, learn drone operation and programming, use advanced argumentative methods, develop long-form and essay writing skills, practice high-level instrumental work and other difficult endeavours, we encourage them to embrace the challenge. They will need all the enthusiasm and vim they can muster for the coming academic year. Mr Moore, Mr Tranter, Mr Coulter, Ms Gekas and our remaining Enhancement staff are savouring what will no doubt be another year of strong achievement and vital learning. It is a gratifying thing, achieving indelible growth. My hope for this year - as it was in years previous - is that our students enjoy it and find what they are looking for in our program.






Mr Mladen Spasic

Gifted & Enhancement Coordinator