From the Principal 

We would like to acknowledge the original custodians of this land

 and pay our respects to the Elders past and present and emerging, 

for they hold the memories, the traditions, the culture and hopes of Indigenous Australia.

High Expectations, Inclusivity, Students with a Voice, Excellence for All!

Dear Families



As part of our promotion of the school we will be hosting tours for prospective parents wanting to enroll their child/children in primary school.  This is an opportune time to showcase the teaching and learning that takes place in our school.  Promotional material is being placed in kindergartens and daycare centers in our local area with information about the tours. 


I ask for your support and help to speak to family members, friends, neighbours  or even work colleagues who you know will have a school aged child for 2024.  We would also like to ask that you support our school by sharing any posts on our Facebook or Instagram accounts.  This will also help promote our school to the wider community.


I would appreciate it if you would please pass the word around that tours will be available on the following dates, or families can simply book an alternative time by calling the School Office 95636780.   These dates are on our school website.


                             Wednesday 1 March 9.15am -11.00am

                             Wednesday 8 March 9.15am -11.00am

                             Monday 20 March 9.30am -11.00am


Our Year 6 Leaders will proudly conduct the tours by showing the families around the school, describing the wonderful learning that takes place in classrooms. Our Year 6 Leaders have started hosting tours of our school during the Open Mornings.


The staff ensured that the classroom activities demonstrated a snippet of what takes place on a daily basis.  There is much to celebrate in Catholic schools today as we embrace teaching and learning at the best possible level for our students.  At St Anthony’s school we show how our school values are incorporated into everyday life through creativity and engaged learning.   Our Reading and Writing programs are first class and evidence based so that we know the work is of a high standard.  Our Mathematics curriculum follows the standards and outcomes to ensure that the students learn to the best of their ability.


If you have a child that is due to start school next year, a friendly reminder that applications should be sent to the office by the end of April.  Enrolment forms may be collected from the office or downloaded from the school website.



This coming Wednesday is Ash Wednesday which marks the beginning of the Season of Lent and our journey towards the preparation for  Easter.


In his message for Lent, Pope Francis calls on the faithful to “renew our faith, draw from the living waters of hope, and receive with open hearts the love of God.”


Pope Francis focuses on the three theological virtues in his Lenten message for 2021, inviting the faithful to “renew our faith, draw from the living waters of hope, and receive with open hearts the love of God.”


Grounding his reflection on the Paschal Mystery, the Pope says, “This Lenten journey… is even now illumined by the light of the resurrection, which inspires the thoughts, attitudes and decisions of the followers of Jesus.”


For members of a Catholic community, this symbolic beginning of our Lenten journey is most significant. This period marks the lead up to when Jesus makes his ultimate sacrifice for us on the cross on Good Friday. Jesus spends the forty days in the lead up reflecting on his life and the sacrifice he is about to make. 


Student achievements

It is always exciting to share the achievement of our students especially when outside of the school context.  Congratulations to Joshua in Year for his recent achievement achievement in participating in Brazilian Ju-Jitsu tournament on 29 January 2023. He came 2nd place.


Since joining Dominance Brazilian Ju-Jitsu, Bentleigh last September, he has demonstrated remarkable discipline, focus and passion in the martial art and has cascaded learnings into his life. He has developed a healthy appetite to learning, trying his best and understanding that set-backs or losses are learning opportunities. Josh has taken it upon himself to participate in tournaments and in the short timeframe, he has come 1st, 2nd and another 2nd place.

Recording and photos

I wish to bring to everyone's attention that the recording and taking of photos at any school event in not allowed due to the Privacy Act.  Thank you for your cooperation.


“God, may Your light guide my day, and your spirit bring me peace. Amen.”

Margaret Carlei
