News from Three/Four

The Year 3 and 4 children have been learning about what life was like in Britain in the 1700s for poor people and why some were forced to crime.  They have been reading and writing about convicts and what life was like for them as they travelled to Australia in the First Fleet.  We looked at 'Convict Love Tokens' in an online museum collection and children designed their own tokens.

In Religion, we have been learning about our Parish Community.  Our big question for next week is "What does it mean to belong to a faith community?" .  We will be reading some quotes from Pope Francis, interviewing our friends, teachers and our parents.  Please share your own thoughts on this with your child.


Next week in maths, we are starting our 'time' unit.  Things you can do at home to help your child include:

  • having them mark special events on the family calendar and count down the days
  • tell them you are doing something in ten minutes/one hour and ask them what the time will be then
  • ask them to set the alarm for you on your phone
  • set a timer for one minute and see how many starjumps they can do

I look forward to seeing many of you at our Year 3-6 barbeque on Thursday 9th March.

