News from Foundation

What have we been up to?

Wow! How has it already been five weeks in Foundation? What an amazing bunch of Foundation students we have! They are absolute superstars! The Foundation students have shown great resilience as they have settled into school and have been so committed to trying their best every single day! We couldn't be prouder of how amazing they have been!


The Foundation students have been loving engaging with STEAM classes- particularly when they have been able to do some experiments! They have also absolutely been loving engaging with Sports lessons with Mr Foley! They have been showing amazing team skills.


In the classroom, the Foundation students have enjoyed learning lots of new sounds and enjoying practising writing short CVC (constant, vowel, constant) words on the mini whiteboards. The Foundation students have loved being able to practice their sound knowledge by playing mini-games with each other and testing each other's memories! They particularly love playing BINGO! The Foundation students have continued to enjoy learning about numbers! We have been using lots of hands-on materials to help us count and represent different numbers! They loved learning how to play snakes and ladders, which is an excellent game for learning to count and the names of numbers as well as building resilience!


The Foundations have also enjoyed learning about Tens Friends this week! We have learnt all the best friends that make ten!


We have also loved visiting the library this week!


Shrove Tuesday/Pancake day

Last week we got to celebrate Shrove Tuesday/Pancake day! The Foundation students learned about the significance of Shrove Tuesday leading us into the season of Lent. They were also super lucky to eat some yummy pancakes that Mr Boyhan had prepared! They loved the pancakes so much that they also made pancake people!!!



This Term our school is looking at 'Community' as part of our Inquiry lessons. In Foundation we are looking at who is in our family community, how can we be a good friends in the community and who can help us in the community.


We have got two confirmed dates of interest coming up in the next few weeks. There will be an email detailing more information to follow.


March 16th: Family presentation- Students will be asked to invite a member of their family to present and share something interesting about themselves or their family. Examples may be:

  • A hobby or sport that family members participate in. 
  • A place the family visits on holidays.
  • An interesting story from the past

If possible, arrange for your child to bring along an object that represents something interesting about your family. You can encourage your child to dress up to help tell their story.


March 20th: Visit from Yarra Junction Police- During our Inquiry unit we will be learning about who can help us in the community and where/how we can get help. We have arranged for the Yarra Junction Police to come to school and have a chat with the students.


We are also hoping to have the CFA come and chat with us as well!

Full weeks at school

Next Wednesday is the last rest day Wednesday for Foundation students! From the week of the 13th of March, our Foundation students will officially be at school for full weeks!