As we enter the sixth week of the academic year, I am pleased to report on a most productive start to the school year. I applaud students, staff and parents for laying a very promising foundation for the year ahead. We certainly do not gradually move into a new year; it seems that we have commenced at full pace. We have had camps, excursions, ACC sports competitions, athletics (Benilde have now set the pace for the other Houses), guest speakers, music bootcamps, Old Collegian re-unions, parent information sessions, and will soon be hosting our first Open Days for 2023. I was more than delighted to receive some very positive comments from Kilbreda College on the behaviour and courtesy shown by our boys who were in attendance at their formal.
Two significant events have ‘set the scene’ for the new year – promoting our values, honouring our Lasallian heritage (including the Feast Day of St Miguel - the patron saint for McCristal House), fostering a sense of community and encouraging students to make the most of the wonderful opportunities provided at St Bede’s College, which inspire the boys to develop themselves and give of their best.
The Opening College Assembly and the College Family Mass presented our students and parents with various themes that underpin our aspirations for them at the College during 2023: we have high expectations for our students; we applaud achievement in all fields of endeavour; we want our students and school to be ‘outstanding’; we have pride in our College; we nurture and support a strong learning culture; we are “brothers and sisters to all” - we support each other to build a strong school community, and we support those in need in the wider community. These expectations are all encapsulated in our theme for 2023 - Together We Serve: Locally and Globally. The Opening College Assembly also provided an opportunity to formally welcome new students, staff and families, and to recognise the outstanding academic achievements of a number of students from our Class of 2022.
It says much about our place as a Catholic school in the Lasallian tradition that we can begin our academic year in communion, sharing the Eucharist and praying for God’s blessing on our endeavours. It demonstrates great strength and potential in our unity as a College community whereby we can share in our commitment to live out Gospel values and seek the best for the students in our care. As part of his Homily, Bishop Tony Ireland challenged us to live our theme, collectively, to locally and globally serve others. Once again, we were struck by the connections that Bishop Tony shares with our St Bede’s College community.
Having celebrated Ash Wednesday, we have now moved into the Lenten period in the liturgical calendar of the Church year. Lent is a period of forty days leading to the high point of the Church’s year, Easter. During Lent, we are encouraged to reflect on our lives in the light of the example of Jesus. How are we travelling with our faith life? How can we improve our spiritual life and our relationship with God? What about our prayer life, worship and praise involvement, charity, and service to others? We are encouraged to make Lent a particular time to reflect on and redirect our lives where necessary, so we better align our ways to the values, actions and truths of the Gospel.
Deb Frizza