Welcome back to the start of 2023 at Surfcoast Secondary College. The wellbeing team would like to wish you all a great year ahead– full of wonderful learning, new experiences, growth of mindset and lots of fun.
The Wellbeing Team is here to support you in many aspects of your school life. The team is made up of Michelle (Wellbeing Leader), Jas (Wellbeing Programs), Mel (Adolescent Health Promotion Nurse) and Shelley and Rachel (Mental Health Practitioners).
You can find us between the Home Economics rooms and art rooms- come say Hi and introduce your self- everyone is welcome.
Accessing Wellbeing:
Students can access wellbeing via an online booking form for Wellbeing and health related matters
Student Wellbeing Check In Request Form
Parents/ Career can access supports from wellbeing for their young person via the front office.
Starting The Year Right
The time has come again for young people across the community to return to or begin high school (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ozTuK43bb4&t=3s).
For some students the transition back to school is relatively easy, however for others it can be a period of increased stress and anxiety.
It’s important for family and friends to remain empathetic to young people as high school can be a difficult time of “firsts”. Young people are still learning how to cope with and manage stress. High school presents challenges and pressures they may not have had before, like navigating new social situations, the stress to get good grades and keeping up with extra-curricular activities.
Students are expected to do some study and assignments outside of school hours, these expectations increase as young people get older.
The following tips from Headspace may help with planning for the return to school:
Look after yourself
- Self-care is especially important when you have a big demand in your life - that way you have the energy to commit to what you need to accomplish.
- Build activities you enjoy and that bring your stress levels down into your study plan, such as sport, spending time with friends, internet, etc.
- Don't get hungry before or while studying. Grab nutritional snacks that keep you going, such as fruit/nuts/dairy.
- Remember to get some exercise every day as this helps you to keep focused and energetic. Rest when you need to
- Work out what times of day you have the most energy and plan to study then.• When you have a break do something physical or fun, such as go for a short run or play with a pet. A glass of water helps too!
Take the time to plan
- Create a study space that is comfortable, quiet, well lit, organised, and has no distractions nearby, such as a TV, phone, people talking, etc.
- Prepare a study plan and goals for each day / week. Make sure it’s balanced with other important things in your life - that way it will be easier to stick to.
- Talk to your employers early to let them know you need to limit your shifts / hours while studying.
Practical study tips
- Research shows it’s more effective to hand write notes, rather than to type them.
- Set study periods at 30–50 minutes followed by a 15-minute break.
- Prepare a study timetable and stick your study plan up on the wall or on your desktop.
- Relaxation is important, especially before bed, to slow the brain activity down. Try some slow, deep breathing, a shower or a bath, herbal tea etc.
For further ideas and support visit the following websites:
Tuesday 7th Feb, 2023
Safer Internet Day is a global event to help create safer online spaces.
Technology has evolved dramatically in the past two decades and the benefits have been huge. These developments have also exposed us to many risks with real-world impacts, making online safety awareness even more important.
That's why we are calling on Australians to Connect. Reflect. Protect.
- Connect safely and with purpose – by keeping apps and devices secure and using social media in positive ways.
- Reflect before we act – by taking a moment to consider how what we do and say online may affect others.
- Protect ourselves and others by taking action – by telling family, friends or colleagues about eSafety and how we can help.
Surfcoast Shire Youth Centre
Meet Larry the Golden Cocker Spaniel that has been trained as a Therapy dog for the Surfcoast Shire Youth team. You will see Larry around the school at different times- he loves a pat and a happy face so go say Hi. You will see him with his humans Damian and Mim (Youth Development Officers). The Shire also runs the Youth Centre which is open Monday, Wednesday and Friday (3-5) after school - you can expect a safe space with loads of great snacks, table tennis, Nitendo, music equipment and much more. The youth workers will be there to greet you and keep you entertained as much or as little as you want.
Breakfast Club
Breakfast Club hit the ground running on the first Friday back and what a turn up we had. It was great to see some year 7’s enjoying a hot milo and a catch up about their week. It’s great to see so many students coming to grab a quick bite or stay and chat with students from different year levels and classes. Many of the staff also come along to this friendly space to support the students.
We are very lucky to have the support and kindness of Feed Me Surfcoast who provide the many loaves of bread and pastries to feed the students.
As Always stay kind and reach out if you need too
Michelle, Jas, Mel and Rachel.
A safety message from the Australian Centre to Counter Child Exploitation