Staughton College Swimming Carnival 

- This Friday! 

On Friday the 24th of February 2023 Staughton College will be holding its annual Swimming carnival at Melton Waves.

As this is considered a normal school day, students are required to be at school by 9:00am. Students will assemble in the gym before making their way to the pool via bus. If your child is unable to attend, please call the school’s absence line on (03) 9743 5061.

Students have the option of dressing up in their House colours or wearing their full school sports uniform.  Please be aware that students should dress appropriately for the predicted weather conditions.

Each student should bring in a bag: swimming costume/ bathers, towel, sunscreen (preferably water resistant), t-shirt or rash shirt and a hat. All items should be clearly labelled with the student’s name. The canteen will be open (with a very long line) and we will be selling sausages in bread, but students also have the option of bringing a packed lunch.

At the completion of the day students will have the option of a “free swim” or returning back to school via bus, students will return to school year level by year level with an estimated arrival time of 2:15pm. Depending on the buses, some students may return earlier, all students are dismissed once they arrive back at school.

I would like to welcome all parents/guardians to attend the event and support their child on the day! Should parents have further questions about this event, more information is available from the College website or by contacting relevant year level coordinators.



Jesse Sciberras

Sports Coordinator