CAPA and Languages

Creative and Performing Arts, Languages Faculty

In year 10 Japanese, students have been learning how to talk about the weather, with new vocabulary and new grammatical structures. 

Here are some forecasts for the local area: 


Year 7 Music

Students have the blues this term! They’ve been busy learning how to play the 12 bar blues on piano, drums and some have even tried their hand at electric guitar. Honing in their improvisation skills and working as a team for their upcoming assessment task. 


Year 12 Visual Arts students have been busy working to complete their HSC body of work. Their body of work has been developed over the last year in a medium of their choice and visually communicates their ideas and concepts to an audience. Through the creation of their body of work students have the opportunity to develop their own art making practice. This year the works will be sent away for marking. However, they will be back in time to be exhibited at the CAPA showcase in term 4, so parents and the school community can view them. 


Year 10 Photography students have been studying the concept of Vanitas and Still Life Photography. The students had the opportunity to create their own still life images using items found in typical Vanitas Still Life Photographs. They had to demonstrate their understanding of the concept and use the appropriate camera settings and lighting to achieve their images.

Year 12 Visual Design

This term year 12 Visual Design have been working on their individual projects. They selected a field of design that they are interested in and have been exploring it further to develop and create some great pieces. Some of the areas that students have focused on include mural design, clothing design, jewellery design, graphic design and illustration.


11 Entertainment

It has been a busy term in Entertainment, with students learning how to install and operate theatrical lighting equipment. On top of their classwork, students were involved in the set up and running of the Wollondilly Performing Arts Festival in collaboration with the students from Picton High School. This event allowed our students to operate sound, lighting and vision equipment during the matinee event. The class also ran, completely by themselves, the schools recognition assemblies. A fantastic effort by all involved.


Year 12 Music

Students have been refining their elective repertoire for the upcoming practical HSC examinations. We also had members of the class participate in the Wollondilly Performing Arts festival and present their performances. Next up is our HSC Showcase on Tuesday 22nd August. Family and friends are invited to attend the event in room i108 at 6pm.