TAS Times

Technology and Applied Science Faculty



Mrs Duryea’s Year 11 and 12 Hospitality classes celebrated NAIDOC week by creating their own pasta dish using fresh and dried native herbs and spices, some grown in our TAS gardens by our Yr 8 Agriculture students. 


Year 8 Food Technology

To celebrate NAIDOC week our year 8 Technology Mandatory class took part in a native spice tasting lesson with our Pre-service teacher Ms Sarca. Students had the opportunity to taste test a range of indigenous spices and then make their own za'atar mix to put on a pizza.


Launching Café23 - chocolate and a chat what can beat that!

As part device free Friday, Café23 was open at recess for students to enjoy a free hot chocolate, biscuits and companionship. Thank you to Lara, Huntah and Keely for the preparation and service at Cafe23. Stay tuned for more students serving in Café23 as we rotate our team members and further develop our work skills.


Lifelong learners dedicated to delivering Hospitality at Camden High School.

Our VET Hospitality teachers are back in the classroom this term at the William Angliss Institute for both face to face and online learning.


The Hospitality training package has changed and teachers who wish to continue to deliver Hospitality are required to complete intensive upgrade training in order meet training and assessment requirements. This term Mrs Duryea, Mrs Arlei, Ms Kumar and Mrs Stipanovic will be completing their assessments to upgrade from a Certificate II in Cookery and or Hospitality to a Certificate III in Catering. This gives our students the opportunity to receive recognition towards their school qualification (ROSA or HSC), as well as a nationally recognised VET qualification (Certificate or Statement of Attainment).


Thank you!

We have noticed a marked improvement in students wearing the correct footwear for practical lessons, so thank you so much for your support! It is important that students wear fully enclosed leather shoes for WHS, as well as preparing them for the world of work. Please check in with your rapidly growing humans, that they haven’t outgrown their leather shoes since the start of the year.


Technology Mandatory

Reminder: The current Year 7 & 8 Technology Mandatory rotation will conclude at the end of week 7. Currently, all classes have an assessment task they are working on.

Year 7

Year 8

Textiles – Design Folio 

(Week 5)


Digital Tech – Arcade game and Folio 

(Week 6)


Engineering Studies – Design Folio  

(Week 5)


Food Tech – Healthy Burger & ALARM scaffold (Week 5)


Timber – E-portfolio 

(Week 5)


Agriculture – Examination 

(Week 5)



Below is an example of Part A of the Yr 7 Digital Technologies Assessment Task, where students had to code and build an arcade game through Microsoft MakeCode Arcade.