Camden Careers

How can the Careers Faculty at Camden High School help?

  • We can help with Resumé, job applications and interview preparation.
  • Link up students with employment providers and group training organisations.
  • Talk about subject selection, and patterns of study in relation to future plans.
  • Discuss, explore, and map out post school destinations and pathways.
  • Get current information about the workforce, and industry trends.
  • Explain and explore different educational options like, TAFE, University, Apprenticeships etc.
  • Assist in finding local employment opportunities.
  • Facilitate and support student in undertaking work experience and workplace learning.
  • Discuss senior subject study options like externally delivered VET courses or school-based apprenticeships/traineeships.
  • Inviting presenters from TAFE, Apprenticeship providers, university, Defence Force, Police Force and more to give information talks, and can invite speakers on request if students have suggestions.
  • Provide Careers Education to all year 10 students to promote thinking and exploration, while learning more about the world of education and work.

How can you access this help?

  • Students can books meetings during roll call, breaktimes, or study periods.
  • Parents can book meeting by contacting the school office to make a Careers booking for them and their child at a suitable time. With notice students may attend these interviews with their parents.
  • Parents can call the school and request their child have a careers counselling meeting.
  • Referrals or request can come from Deputies, Wellbeing team, Year Advisers and Teaching staff and student will be called up to Careers Adviser.

For further information or to make a booking please call or email the school, or email the Careers Adviser directly.


Camden High School Careers Adviser