Curriculum Matters - Mathematics
Application of Maths
It is very important that children see and investigate how their mathematics learning is linked to real world maths. The more they are able to apply their learning and make connections to lots of different situations, the easier it is to find these links.
Some of the best places for families to be involved in helping their child to apply maths are at the shops (How much would three cost?), in the kitchen (weigh out 100g per person), in the pool (how many lengths - how far did you swim today?) When giving them pocket money, ask them to calculate how much they'll save in five weeks (if they don't spend any!)
Children constantly see advertisements and see special offers on display. Discuss these special deals in supermarkets...
Are they getting a good deal/value for money? We're not saying take them to the shops EVERY time you go - sometimes adults need a break from constantly ENTHUSIASTIC children - we totally understand that!
Whether we like it or not, children learn maths in many different ways to how we may have learned maths. OUR WAY of learning was't necessarily better for ALL children - it may have been successful for us, but today we learn multiple strategies so that children can choose and reason about the most efficient for them to be successful, that's what parents want for their child and it is what all teachers want for children in their care.
It is important for children to develop as successful learners - talk with them about strategies you use to calculate and solve problems, but explain that people learn in lots of different ways and that their strategies are just as good - be as positive as possible even if you don't fully understand their strategy.
Mathematics is NOT just about learning facts off by heart, it's about improving understanding and developing life-long skills and a love for maths. Yes - please practice multiplication facts in any way you wish but also ask them to explain how they got their answer to enable them to share their strategies and their deeper understanding of number.
LA18/19 have been learning about fractions of shapes and amounts this term. To show children the link to real life maths, we had cake and pizza so that fractions could be discussed in the real world.
We collected data about pizza toppings and calculated the total cost of the pizza. Children have to be given many opportunities to build their confidence and enjoyment of maths. Above all else, children MUST develop an understanding that mathematics is FUN!