Reflecting on Term 2
Sponsored Walk
Huge congratulations to our Student Leaders and Torrens staff for organising the Sponsored Walk event. WOW! An amazing $10,915 was raised by students and their families.
Torrens' Student Leaders have decided to share this amount between three charities that have been involved in the Nepal Earthquake Appeal - Oxfam Australia, Unicef and a school which we'd like to develop links with in 2015 and beyond.
Here are several photos of the damage that the earthquakes caused...
We know that the $3915 will be put to great use in the small village school and hope that this can be the start of a developing friendship between our two schools.
During our walk we stopped at many playgrounds along the way. It was really tiring but we got there in the end. It was very very fun. When we walked past the horses Sarah fed some of them. Thank you to the mums that helped out on the walk! We had fun with our friends and it was very hard work!
Kasia and Hannah
We enjoyed going on the walk to raise money for Nepal. On the Nepal walk the older kids walked 10 km and so did we. The younger kids walked 3 km. We walked from school to the beach and back. Some kid's favourite part of the walk was when we got to stop at all of the playgrounds on the way and having lunch on the beach. Other kids liked seeing the horses down by the river. We were really impressed when we found out that the school raised $10,764.00.
Thank you everybody for going on the walk and everybody getting engaged in the fundraising.
Lachlan S and Kasia