Bike Education - Term 3
Bike Education
From Monday, 31 August (week 7) until Monday, 7 September (week 8) Year 4 students will participate in a free 6 day Bike Ed program here at LNPS. Way2Go Bike Ed is a national road safety initiative that encourages personal cycling safety, the development of responsible behaviours when travelling and participation in physical activity for Year 4-7 students.
The objectives of the Way2Go Bike Education program are to enable children to achieve:
1. Knowledge and understanding of the road traffic environment and the applicable law
2. The development of physical and cognitive skills to manage such an environment safely, as a cyclist
3. The development of responsible behaviours, attitudes and decision-making skills for the safe use of bicycles both on and off the road through participation in enjoyable learning experiences relevant to their ages and abilities.
Three specialist instructors will conduct three sessions per day -
9:05 - 10:35 am
11:15 – 12:45 pm
1.35 - 3:05 pm
Students will be allocated a group for the 6 day program according to their riding experience and to accommodate those requiring the use of helmets and bikes from Bicycle SA.
Students will need to bring their bike and helmet for the 6 consecutive school days. Provision can be made for students to keep their bikes and helmets at school (locked inside the Torrens building overnight) if it is a problem transferring them to and fro during this time.
During the first session the instructors conduct safety checks on all bikes and helmets to ensure they are roadworthy and meet the necessary safety standards. However, prior to these sessions commencing it would be great if families could check the tightness of bolts and screws, the length of helmet straps and the effectiveness of brakes etc.
Many thanks to the parent volunteers who have offered to join us for some of these sessions - any additional volunteers are most welcome particularly as we venture out onto quiet local streets for the last three sessions (Thursday 3/9, Friday 4/9 and Monday 7/9).