Curriculum Matters - Learning Technologies
Google Apps
This term, we will endeavour to get more Year 3/4 children logged on and using Google Apps for Education. We currently have approximately 60 students who regularly access and create documents, presentations and develop their own website e-portfolio pages.
They have the ability to share their work with whoever they choose, but have been asked to keep it closed within Lockleys North. If you wish to view documents and website pages that they have created, please sit with your child and ask them to share their skills.
The project has been hugely successful in getting students to collaborate on shared documents and create their own websites. The parents who have asked their children about the project have been amazed with the impact it has had on their child.
Student feedback is essential to ensure that projects like this are seen as a positive and engaging step towards their future...
I like how everyone who has Google Docs can work at the same time on the same document and help each other. Myah
I like how we can share, look at others work and give them feedback to help them to improve. Chaz
Always good to get positive feedback about new engaging projects from our parents and families...
'We're pretty keen to see our daughter progressing with this as it has been so successful and we've seen her writing and spelling improve out of sight, not to mention her confidence and enthusiasm. She's so articulate about how it helps her learning - it's amazing!'
Even without BYOD, children are able to access Google Apps for Education on school devices -any work created at home/school can still be accessed.
If you would like your child to be involved, please speak with their teacher and we can set up additional school accounts, give them a buddy with advanced skills and help them get started on their journey.
We are currently at 36% of 127 Torrens' students who bring their own device. Having now overcome technical connection issues, we are ready to expand our BYOD uptake.
If your child would like to bring their own device for the remainder of the year - iPads continue to be the most popular device that is brought to school, although we are seeing a range from Acer Switch 10, laptops and the Surface Pro to name a few.
Having their own device allows students to:
- manage and organise their work
- develop responsibility for their belongings
- connect and collaborate with other students on Google Apps
- develop their own digital portfolio
- easily access their device for research and presentation development
- use technology to support their learning at home and school.
We encourage all our families to give BYOD serious consideration for 2015 and beyond. If you need any further information, please contact your child's class teacher or I and we'll be happy to help you choose a suitable device.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards,
Mike Tarleton
Learning Technologies Coordinator