School News

Lunch Orders Start on Wednesday 14th October




School Hours During Covoid19

Parents, where possible, please wait until your child's temperature has been taken before leaving.


8.30am - Gates Open, students go straight to classrooms.

8.30am to 8.45am - L to Z student arrival

8.45am to 9.00am - A to K student arrival 

9.00am - 11.00am - Learning Block One

11.00am - Lunch Break

11.45am - Learning Block Two

1.45am - Recess Break

2.15pm - Learning Block Three

3.00pm - Dismissal for L to Z Students

3.15pm:  Dismissal for A to K Students

3.30pm - Gates Closed and staff stop supervision duty


OSHClub still operating Before and After Hours Care Program.


School Assembly

If you missed our Assembly this week, here it is below. If it doesn't work, please let me know.



Despite these unprecedented times, we will be still celebrating Book Week! 


Although there will be no parade, we thought why not dress up anyway! Throughout this week, students will also have the opportunity to complete some Book Week tasks in class.


Book week is from 17th - 24th October. This year the theme is Curious Creatures, Wild Minds


With all students now onsite, we invite everyone to come dressed up to school on Thursday 22nd October. 

Let’s be as curious and as wild as we can be!!!


Natalie Librizzi

(Literacy Leader)