The Principal's Desk

A Few Words From The Principal

Dear parents, families and friends,

It was wonderful seeing those huge, excited smiles on the faces of the returning students. There has been a real buzz about the place all week. Everyone is happy to be back. Everyone is so excited about catching up with friends. It was funny to also see the huge smiles on the faces of parents as they said good-bye to their children. Even more amusing were the excited walks away (I'm certain I saw a few little 'Oh What A Feeling!' jumps and fist pumps) as parents returned to a quiet and empty house for the first time in about 15 weeks!


Now that we are back and settling into the business of Teaching and Learning, we have a number of priorities:

  • Re-establish routines
  • Monitor the wellbeing of students
  • Establish where students are at in their learning and identify areas that need to be revised, re-taught or covered
  • Assess and Report on Semester 2
  • Plan and Prepare for 2021

We know there will be gaps in learning. Some students have thrived during Remote Learning. Some students have struggled. As we establish where the gaps and areas of need are, we will set about addressing these as much as possible this year. Towards the end of the year, any gaps that remain will be incorporated into the curriculum planning for next year. I take this opportunity to thank all students and parents who completed the online survey from CEM (Catholic Education Melbourne) reviewing Remote Learning Term 3. We will use this feedback to continually improve the Teaching and Learning we provide here at St. Augustine's. We will also use this feedback to adapt and improve the Remote Learning Model that we will provide if we ever have to return to Remote Learning in the future (I am praying that we never have to again). I encourage parents to continue to speak to me anytime there are questions, concerns or issues. I always listen and will do my best to address these within reason and where it is practical to do so.


I thank all the staff of St. Augustine's for the amazing work they did during Remote Learning and continually throughout the year. The changes they made and adapted to were monumental. It was not easy shifting to a completely new way of operating in just a few days. In many cases we were creating as we went, venturing into new territory and facing challenges that we had not experienced before. We were not alone in this, many industries had to adapt and change the way they operated. The State of Victorian itself was trying to solve the problems of dealing with Covid 19, testing, isolation, containment and lockdown without the benefit of experience to help guide and direct decisions and actions.



We are still waiting for the return of a handful of chromebooks. We need these back as soon as possible so that we can check them and return the chargers into the storage units.


School Disco

There is a school disco planned for Friday 30th October. The disco will still go ahead, but as a virtual, online experience. Just like with the school assemblies, I will send parents a link to the pre-recorded disco. You may choose to access it that night or at another time more convenient for your family.


Book Week

Next week is Book Week. The students will be completing activities in class based on the Book Week books. On Thursday 22nd October the students are invited to dress up as their favourite book character. The theme is Curious Creatures, Wild Minds. The teachers will take photos of the students in costume and these will be uploaded to the school newsletter.



  • Drink bottle for each student - drink taps can only be used to refill bottles
  • School Hats need to be worn during Term 4

From this newsletter onwards, we will return to fortnightly editions of the newsletter.


Quote for the week:


'It's good to be back, except when you're in front!!'


Kind regards,

Matthew Stead
