Current Highlights

From the Principal

Jon Charlton, Principal

Jon's new office
View of new Administration and Junior School learning space from Leila Road
Jon's new office
View of new Administration and Junior School learning space from Leila Road

This is indeed a year of firsts. Who would

have thought at the beginning 2020 our

Kilvington community would spend more

time teaching and learning from home

rather than at School?


The whole world has been to ‘school’ this

year, learning about COVID–19, how to treat,

contain, cope and live with it. And there have

been many profound reminders and lessons

for us and our education system.


Importantly, that wellbeing is critical for

well-learning. The pandemic has revealed the

critical role that schools play in supporting

the health and wellbeing of learners, and

indeed the whole school community. The

introduction of our new pastoral care

structure, with additional leaders and

mentors in the Senior School

– crucially one mentor to approximately

10 students – has been most timely.


This community has had to pivot quickly

to remote learning, then pivot back to

onsite learning and then back to remote

learning and so on. This has been a lot to

ask of students, staff, parents, and families,

particularly those of younger children. Yet,

everyone has demonstrated incredible

optimism and resilience. I have no doubt

that our flexible and supportive pastoral

care structure and community has

contributed to this outcome.



It has been wonderful to see students and

staff connect through a range of initiatives

adapted to the online environment. Our

physical, art, languages and cooking

challenges have been fun, engaging and

thought provoking. We’ve continued to

create music with the Kilvington Klefs

remotely performing In Flanders Fields to

commemorate ANZAC Day, and an incredible

performance of The Royal FireWorks by

George Frederic Handel by the Kilvington

Orchestra, also recorded remotely.

Events including Character and

Connection Days, Science Week, the

Kilvington Writers Festival, the VCE Art Show

and Wellbeing Week successfully forged

ahead, albeit in a new format. Pleasingly,

we were still able to connect as a community

via our online Junior School, Senior School

and House assemblies.



The School’s motto, Non nobis sed omnibus,

Not for our own but others good, took on

greater relevance this year. Our Community

Service endeavours barely missed a beat

with students and staff committing to

causes such as Connor’s Run, Junior

Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF),

Cancer Council, Asylum Seeker Resource

Centre (ASRC), Eat Up Australia and the

MS Readathon. More than $20,000 was

raised for these organisations.


Students worked together creatively to

produce touching Mother’s and Father’s

Day messages of love and gratitude.

Teamwork ended up being the character

trait word for the whole year. We have all

needed to play the team game, to save lives

in 2020.



Of all our students, our Year 12 students

have had to dig particularly deep to navigate

a year that looked completely different to

what was expected. Yet, time and time again,

they have kept their chin up, dug deep and

kept going.


The number of times I have heard one

of them comment, it is what it is or it’s best

to accept the situation and get on with it,

has been commendable.


I applaud them for their positivity,

commitment, resilience and acceptance this

year. Their strength of character has been

amazing, and it will stand them in great

stead for life after Kilvington.


I wish our Class of 2020 nothing but the

very best and look forward to welcoming

them to the Kilvington Alumni.


And to our entire Kilvington Community

– thank you for your support, understanding,

cooperation and resilience throughout this

most challenging year. We couldn’t have done it without you.

New Junior School and Administration wing

ELC play area
ELC play structure
ELC sandpit
ELC play area
ELC play structure
ELC sandpit

This year, to the delight of our ELC students, staff and families, we opened our new ELC playground. This, together with a new Junior School play space, completes our interactive ‘play precinct’ that runs along the Katandra Road boundary.

Reception entrance
View from Leila Road
Reception entrance
View from Leila Road
New Junior School learning space
New Junior School learning space






The newly refurbished Junior School and Administration wing is now complete and looks fantastic. Our Main Reception entry offers a contemporary and welcoming experience for our families and visitors. The new First Aid and Counselling spaces have been well received, as indeed have the upstairs classroom, breakout and conference spaces.   


We look forward to showing you around.

Our lovely Kathy in the new Main Reception space
Our lovely Kathy in the new Main Reception space

Judy Allen Award 2021

Sebastian Earle
Sebastian Earle

This year's most worthy winner of the Judy Allen Award is Sebastian Earle, Head of Junior School.


Sebastian has made an incredible contribution to the School for near on a decade.


Due to his inspiring leadership style, energy and enthusiasm, and passionate commitment to education, Sebastian has grown to become an integral and influential member of the Leadership Team at Kilvington.


Highly respected by students, staff and parents alike, Sebastian’s strength in pastoral care and wellbeing is reflected in the connected and loyal team he leads, the happy and optimistic students they mentor and teach, and the confidence demonstrated by parents that their child is in good hands. 


Approachable, empathic, considered, professional, a leader by example who is never content to rest on his laurels, Sebastian continuously strives to ensure that all students have every opportunity to achieve their personal best.


Congratulations Sebastian.

Celebration Night

For those who missed the live stream, you can watch the video of our 2020 Celebration Night here.