Kitchen Garden News

Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program


Kitchen-Garden News


Kitchen Garden news - Term 4

It has been thoroughly wonderful to welcome back grade 3> 6 students into their garden and kitchen classes during these last 3 weeks. Congratulations to students (and families) for all that was achieved with Kitchen Garden activities during remote learning. I have appreciated students' efforts and creativity, demonstrated with every single submission.

The beauty of nature in our kitchen garden this Spring (also known in traditional Wurundjeri knowledge) as Wintoonth Wootanbaj- Jumbunna (Regeneration and Women’s Business)has provided our students with positive sensory and physical experiences as we come together again as a school community. Students have been busy and productive! Working in teams to mulch paths, weed garden beds, cut greenery for compost, mulch and sieve beautiful chocolate compost, ready for summer planting. Students have sampled soil from around the garden to test the pH levels, documenting the knowledge in books and on class garden maps for future reference. 


Garden Tasks

Beautifully sieved compost to refresh garden beds for summer
cutting garden greens for new compost
Sieving the compost
Teamwork for Mulching Beds
Teamwork - cutting
Beautifully sieved compost to refresh garden beds for summer
cutting garden greens for new compost
Sieving the compost
Teamwork for Mulching Beds
Teamwork - cutting


Harvesting Overgrown Radishes



Students have noted that the majority of garden beds are “perfect” or pH neutral which means our soil has the required trace elements and minerals for the majority of vegetables, fruit, herbs to grow well. We have discussed our understanding of what makes a garden an organic garden and therefore in our garden we don’t use man-made chemical pesticides or fertilisers.


Garden Soil PH Testing


Exploring our Garden Changes over Last 4 Months

Weeding the invasive grass
Student Mulched Paths
Sage Flowers
New Garden Cuttings
New garden beneficial insect-attracting plants
Lush Mint & Calendular Patch
Legumes: snow-peas & sugar snaps
First Lesson Back: Flowers, bees, excitement
Edible Flowers: Brassica, Calendular, Cornflower
Cleared Jerusalem Artichoke Bed
Beetroot & Chard
Weeding the invasive grass
Student Mulched Paths
Sage Flowers
New Garden Cuttings
New garden beneficial insect-attracting plants
Lush Mint & Calendular Patch
Legumes: snow-peas & sugar snaps
First Lesson Back: Flowers, bees, excitement
Edible Flowers: Brassica, Calendular, Cornflower
Cleared Jerusalem Artichoke Bed
Beetroot & Chard


Kitchen classes have focused on making take home Picnic food due to the DET COVID 19 restrictions of No volunteers and with NO sharing food resources/or eating together at school. Each student was able to individually form their own bread, as well as prepare a jar of sweet beetroot and carrot pickles to take home.

Discussions regarding why food is preserved and how you can preserve food were interesting, as students shared their knowledge. Fridges, freezers, home hydrators, Fowlers bottling kits, Kimchi, Olives, Jams, burying crocks of food, smoking; were some student examples of preserving knowledge. 

Students were shown how to sterilise jars and lids to ensure harmful bacteria was destroyed and their jar contents would remain safe to eat. Due to the safety aspect of this, this was an area that as a teacher I facilitated for students. Knowledge was documented in books, beautiful and sometimes humorous labels were made for their pickles! I will be interested to know how many loaves of bread actually made it home!


Welcome back students!







Carrot & Beetroot Pickles


Students' Labelling
Students' Labelling


Mini Herbed Loaves of Bread


Forming Bread
Sword Shaped Bread
Forming Bread
Sword Shaped Bread


Kitchen - Learning Intentions Documentation




About the Kitchen Garden Program

Collingwood College students participate in our Kitchen Garden Program as part of their school curriculum in Grades 3-6. Garden classroom occur outside in all weather conditions, with students learning, exploring and practising the skills and knowledge to grow a diverse range of vegetables, fruit and herbs using organic growing methods. Students then harvest our seasonal produce for cooking a range of (95% vegetarian) delicious dishes in their kitchen classroom. The student’s learn and practise kitchen skills, techniques and terminology and also importantly, their communication skills, creativity and teamwork while dishes are being prepared.


Students, staff and volunteers sit at beautifully set tables sharing the dishes created. Voicing opinions respectfully, as all students can benefit from sharing their individual learning efforts. Knowledge is documented in Kitchen garden books and shared to our school community via email, E/news, display boards and importantly by our students.


For our students, an integral part of the enjoyment and richness of the classroom experience is the depth and loyalty of volunteering we have for our school program. These exceptional people of all ages, interests, backgrounds and skills ensure our curriculum goals are supported for our students.  Potential volunteers do not need garden or cooking experience! Attributes we seek are a personal interest to support our K.G program philosophy, assisting students in their learning around food diversity, seasonality, sustainability, garden and cooking skills. The K.G learning importantly supports and explores student’s emotional connection and enjoyment in regards to growing and cooking seasonal food. Good humour and the excitement of learning new skills and knowledge in a shared environment, the ability to commit to a day/time are also attributes we seek in our volunteers.


We welcome applications from persons in our school community, or friends/family who wish to apply to be a Kitchen garden volunteer. Please send an email to me at


Please look at our school website (K.G page), if you are new to our school community for more information. Classes run in Monday-Wednesday. 

For those who may want to support our students and teachers in another way-we are always thank-full for people to garden outside class times or on other days. Please feel free to email me with any questions. Tours for potential volunteers will usually occur after school hours with arrangement.



With thanks,


Desley Insall

Kitchen Garden Specialist Teacher & Volunteer Coordinator