
TCE exams

TCE exams begin on Monday 9 November and go through until Thursday 19 November. The exam timetable can be found here.


If students are unwell and unable to do their exam on the day the School must be contacted and students must see a doctor and have them complete the TASC medical certificate. This certificate does NOT come to the school but must be returned by the doctor directly to TASC. If your student suffers from hay fever and has not yet spoken to Jane Morrison, please have them contact her immediately 


We wish our TCE students every success in their upcoming exams.

Clemes Library

Students are reminded that the Clemes Library is open for silent private study from 8.00 am until 4.30 pm daily. Students are also able to study in the Undercroft until 5.00 pm daily, in preparation for final exams.

Student Lockers and Clearance Forms

Clemes students are reminded that Clearance Forms need to be handed to the Clemes Office in order for students to receive Echoes. These forms require signatures to verify the return of laptops, library books and locks. Laptops and power packs are to be taken to Room 213 (after 13 November) and are expected to be returned by Tuesday 24 November. Lockers must be emptied by the end of the exam period to ensure there is adequate opportunity to do any required maintenance. Students will be allocated different lockers next year.