
mConnect with Wellsprings for Women

This term, a group of mothers have been working on making a patchwork quilt that will display images that represent our school values. Louise has kindly agreed to sew this together for us. 


If you are still working on your square of fabric, could you please return it to school by Thursday 3rd December at the latest, so that we have time to complete the quilt. 


The last meeting for the year will be on Tuesday 2nd December at 2pm with Robyn from Wellsprings. It is a chance to say hello to other parents and have a chat. All our welcome to come.

Join Zoom Meeting



Meeting ID: 851 3868 5427

Passcode: TL2Kqy


BeYou is a resource for educators that promotes the mental health of all members of the school community, children, parents and teachers. This week’s fact sheet from the Beyou website is all about the transition from Primary to Secondary schools. 


Young people who experience a positive transition into their new school are more likely to: 

• feel comfortable, relaxed and valued 

• feel excited and motivated to learn 

• have good relationships with others 

• develop a sense of belonging within the school community.

 This positive start can make a big difference to young people’s school engagement, learning and wellbeing. See the fact sheet for more information.




At SFS, we teach the Respectful Relationships program. We commit to implementing a whole-school approach to Respectful Relationships and to help combat family violence in Victoria. There are lots of good resources available that can help you to teach your children that we treat everyone with respect regardless of their gender or differences.  This is a poster which promotes the message that we want all children to be safe and feel safe.




If you have any concerns about the Wellbeing of your child, or you feel that your child needs assistance in developing their social skills, please do not hesitate to contact me. 


Rachel Lenko

Student Wellbeing Leader
