Food Studies 

Food Studies 2020

2020 was a very unusual time in the Food Studies department, not only did we need to learn how to communicate and teach our students via Microsoft Teams, we also had to come up with solutions on how to incorporate practical activities. 


Teacher and student kitchens at home became a hive of activity with live demonstration and online cooking tutorial. The students rose to the challenge, producing a range of delicious products. The Food Studies department would like to thank all parent’s/guardian’s and student’s for their support during 2020. 


Student Experiences


Cooking during Remote Learning was a bit challenging, but it was fun to cook in my own kitchen. Although we covered multiple topics, my Asian inspired meal where I cooked Curry Puffs was my highlight because I liked learning about the different cuisines

Elijana Henry Year 8 


I undertook Taste of Europe this semester, and due to the corona, I could not cook at school. However, I cooked so many fascinating and delectable products at home by listening to Ms Haggar’s instructions. My favourite product was the “German Black Forest muffins!” They looked so gorgeous and elegant

Vimmer Year 10 


I did Taste of Europe in the first semester. We started out being able to cook at school, but then had to transfer to remote learning, therefore had to cook at home. I enjoyed the challenge of baking a cake with a chosen European fruit. I cooked an orange and chocolate cake, as my fruit was an orange. Oranges originated from Greece

Danielle Griffin Year 10


I was once told that ‘a person who never made a mistake never tried anything new’ and that taught me with cooking, trying new things means making mistakes and improving them over time.

Sophie Evans Year 9 

Cooking during isolation become a hobby of mine and having a class for cooking where I was also able to get help and still learn new techniques from my teacher was really good. I was still able to cook foods from a wide variety and really enjoy them

Ella Crowe Year 10 

I thought food studies in remote learning was challenging yet fun! I loved using different styles of chopping and putting the ingredients together to make one delicious piece of food!

Ella Wong Year 7