





大家好(da jia hao),

It has been exciting  returning back to face-to-face learning of Mandarin in Trinity Catholic School!

This term, we are able to reflect on the wonderful progress we have made in the remote learning lessons and enjoy the opportunity to practise Chinese speaking and conversation in our school.  

The students in the senior year levels did a language survey reflecting our language learning journey so far. We discussed which aspects of remote learning could benefit our language learning as well as the strategies we could use to improve our daily practice of Chinese. This term, we are going to do a little project of self introduction in Chinese. And students will learn and practice some basic sentence structures to present themselves.

The students from the middle year level are engaging with the distinctive features of Chinese language, the characters. They are starting to learn the unique features of Chinese writing system and to recognise some basic characters.

The prep and year one students have also come back to school with a great passion of learning Chinese. We are reviewing some of the topics we have learnt from the beginning of the year. Many students have shown enthusiasm and confidence in speaking out in Chinese. 

This is going to be a great term for us to refresh our knowledge of Chinese and expand our ability to speak more in our classes. 

加油 (jia you)!

Mr. Yang