Chaplain's Corner

Louise Lathbury

Children’s Week is a national celebration of children’s rights, talents and citizenship held on the fourth Wednesday of October in Australia to coincide with Universal Children’s Day. Each year the theme of Children’s Week highlights a particular Children’s Right.

The Theme for 2020 is Article 15 – ‘Children have the right to meet together and to join groups and organisations, as long as this does not stop other people from enjoying their rights.”



When I read the articles contained in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, 

I am reminded to: 


  • Express my gratitude at being born in Australia, living here, and having my own children grow up here.
  • Appreciate my parents, teachers, family and other people who cared for and encouraged me as I was growing up.
  • Do what I can to help those people or organisations that are seeking change in Australia, and other parts of the world where children do not yet have all of these rights.
  • Start a conversation with my own children and other people that I come into contact with this week about this topic.