Room 27 News

Deborah Richardson

Last term, Room 27 had a very exciting visitor. Felicia's mum brought in their family pet which is a Stimson's Python.  Felicia gave us lots of information on how to handle and look after snakes. We also got to look at a snakeskin that had been shed by her snake. Although this is not an aggressive snake it could still give a painful bite if provoked.


Remember: Not all snakes are harmless. As the weather is warming up, snakes are becoming more active so stay alert and move away if you see a snake.

Interesting Facts: 

  • Snakes are carnivores (meat-eaters).
  • Snakes don’t have eyelids.
  • Snakes can’t bite food so have to swallow it whole.
  • Snakes have flexible jaws which allow them to eat prey bigger than their head!
  • Snakes have internal ears but not external ones.
  • There are around 3000 different species of snake.
  • Snakes have unique anatomy which allows them to swallow and digest large prey.
  • Snakes are covered in scales.
  • Snakeskin is smooth and dry.
  • Snakes shed their skin a number of times a year in a process that usually lasts a few days.
  • Snakes smell with their tongue.
  • Pythons kill their prey by tightly wrapping around it and suffocating it in a process called constriction.
  • Some sea snakes can breathe partially through their skin, allowing for longer dives underwater.
  • Anacondas are large, non-venomous snakes found in South America that can reach over 5 m (16 ft) in length.
  • Python reticulates can grow over 8.7 m (28 ft) in length and are considered the longest snakes in the world.
