From the Principal's Desk

Janine Kinninment

Congratulations Burrendah

Burrendah PS has been selected to be photographed to promote the new Maths Brightpath Assessment due out in 2021. Brightpath is an assessment tool provided by the School Curriculum and Standards Authority. I was very proud of our classes of Year 3, Room 26 (Mr Gardin), Year 4, Room 10 (Mrs Paxton) and Year 6, Room 4 (Mrs Griffiths/Mr Crouch) for being chosen to be photographed. The students and teachers made excellent models and clearly demonstrate why our school was selected for this honour. 

Parent National School Opinion Survey

Thank you to the families that have responded. Our tally so far is 152 completed and 109 started. The survey needs to be fully completed to be registered as submitted or your information will not be added by the system to the survey information. The survey has been extended until tomorrow, Friday 30th October. I encourage every parent/guardian to respond to this survey. If you are yet to do so select the link below to complete the parent survey.


The Board looks at the information provided and uses it to future plan. Examples that have been done as a direct result of the last survey in 2018 are: installing a senior playground, improved facilities at school such as upgrading the student toilets, increasing student and parent voice with the implementation of our positive behaviour strategy of the four R’s (Respect, Responsibility, Resilience and Reach) and commencing a before, after school and vacation care service. With our next business plan development commencing in 2021 your response to the survey is needed.

Evacuation Practice

Congratulations staff, students and volunteers for an outstanding evacuation practice today.  The entire school was at the oval evacuation point in three minutes which is a fabulous effort for 693 students plus staff.  Well done everyone.

End of Year Events- Help for Filming Request

We are seeking adults who have experience in videoing to assist with filming our end of year events. Please let Reception know if you are able to help or know of someone who is happy to donate their time to assist us.


6:00pm IMSS Music Soiree 2/12; Music Concert 9/12

2:00pm EDU Dance concerts 8/12 and 11/12

9:00am Assemblies 9/12 and 10/12

9:00am Graduation 14/12


As you are aware physical distancing is still required by adults. This means our end of year events such as; Edu Dance, Assemblies and Graduation will need to be modified. The audience for all events will be by invitation only. Events where practicable will be filmed. If you receive a text or email requesting to register your interest in an event, please be prompt to respond as numbers to events will be limited. 


Our first request has been to Year 6 parents/guardians for a register of interest to attend the Graduation Assembly with a maximum of two adults per graduate. This request is due by tomorrow, Friday 30th October. 


Next week we will be finalizing how many adults we can invite to our other events. More information will be available in our newsletter in Week 5 regarding when and how you can register your interest to be invited to our end of year events.

Student Reports

Our teachers and students have been very busy over the last few weeks with the testing of Reading, Maths, Science and Writing using Brightpath and/or PATS online tests. These tests provide information for teachers on the concepts students have mastered during the year. This testing as well as classroom records will be used to report grades in our normal student end of year reports. Student reports will be available on Connect at the end of the school year.