Teaching and Learning

Room 4

Room 4 has recently investigated data collection and recording. We set about to find out information from one another and keep records on who we asked in the classroom. The students asked questions such as ‘What is your favourite fruit?’ and ’What is your favourite colour?’ We kept tallies of responses and then transferred that data into graphs. As we collected data, we learnt to identify which responses were more or less popular with our classmates. By observing the graphs we had made we were able to recognise patterns, similarities and differences in responses. It was an excellent effort from everyone, who were engaged in sharing and gathering information from one another.


During a recent assembly we performed the song ‘Tadpole Blues’ by Peter Coombe. We spent 2 weeks putting together frog puppets that had cardboard arms that could be attached with Velcro as the puppets changed from a tadpole into a frog. We practised our singing everyday leading up to the performance and everyone did a great job singing loudly in front of the school. Thank you to all the other classes for their wonderful support and applause.


Nihongo News




Did you know that 4 of our Year 6/7 students recently attended the State Hiragana Competition? We were lucky enough to be one of the 10 schools selected to compete. 


The students were put to the test and were required to demonstrate the speed and accuracy of their reading skills in Japanese. The standard amongst the students was extremely high and it made for some very intense and nerve-racking competition!  


Well done to Caleb, Marta, Ali and Jiwon who took out 2nd place! They won themselves a prize pack off goodies from Japan and a trophy for the school to keep. Such a fabulous effort in such a tight and intense competition!  


Well done! 









Science News

Science in Term 4 2020 

There is an Earthy, exciting program awaiting West Beach Primary School students this term. Following, is a break-down of each year level and the content that will be covered for Term 4. The theme for this term is Earth and Space Sciences.

Please see note attached for more information