From the Principal
Term 4 Week 2 Kevin Kennedy
Dear Families,
Class Placement Process for 2021
This term we will be undertaking the process of organising classes and staffing for 2021.The decisions about the organisation of classes within the school for each year, including the year levels in each class, their location, the teacher/s and student placement within these classes are made by teachers and the Personnel Advisory Committee (PAC) of the school.
When making these decisions this committee must consider certain industrial entitlements and legal agreements. These include things such as the size of classes (maximum averaging 30 for year 3-7 and 26 for year R-2), the fair distribution of workload so that classes have ideally the same number of students as well as students with disabilities and other significant learning difficulties evenly distributed amongst classes.
The following considerations made during this process:
-Number of students per class
-Number of classes
-Composition of classes
-Place students with additional needs equally
-Student friendship groups considered
-Parents / students informed
-Personal circumstances to be considered
A more detailed letter will be sent to all home next week. There will be an opportunity for parents and caregivers to contribute to the process by completing a form attached to the letter.
I am confident that class placements will be finalised before the end of the school term and official confirmation of placement will be sent home with the student reports.
If you have any questions or comments please don’t hesitate to contact me at the school.
Kind regards,
Kevin Kennedy