
Year 12

Every year we say farewell to our Year 12 graduates and this year is no different. 


We would like to wish all our departing students the very best for their futures. Please remember that you will always be part of the WRS family and our doors will always be open should you want to visit us, or our support, from time to time.  Take advantage of the formal support available via the 'Year 13' program run by Lucy over the next 12 months.


We love seeing how our former students are progressing in life so don't be strangers!


Staff Farewells

This year we also say farewell to some of our new staff as they move on to other schools and new opportunities.


Ravi Rao - Relieving Assistant Principal (20016 to 2022)

This year we say farewell to one of our longstanding staff members Ravi Rao. Ravi has been an institution here at WRS and has tirelessly supported the development of many students over the years. Ravi will be leaving his Assistant Principal Role here at WRS to take up a relieving Assistant Principal role at Centennial Park School. On behalf of our whole community we wish Ravi all the best and thank him for his time to date at WRS. Thanks Ravi!


Jess Hill - Occupational Therapist (2020 - 2022)

Finishing off a very exciting 2022 with her wedding, our much loved OT Jess heads off to take up an opportunity with NSW Health.


Jess started with us back in 2020 in a completely new role and has implemented a fantastic occupational support framework for all of our students (and staff!). As an integral part of our Wellbeing Team, Jess focused on bringing about innovative and effective supports to the classroom that ensured our students school experience was as positive  as possible. Jess has become a student favourite and her smiling face will be missed by all.