Kitchen garden

What we've been up to


Winter is nearly here and we are all busy preparing the garden beds to plant our winter crops.



The students have enjoyed making a Mexican inspired menu. We have also linked maths to the kitchen garden program by exploring the different weights and measurement’s we use in the kitchen.  


Some of the vegetables we have harvested in the garden are:

  • Corn
  • Capsicums
  • Coriander
  • Chilli
  • Cucumbers
  • Mint
  • Parsley
  • Tomatoes
  • Zucchini


  • Soft shell tacos
  • Corn and capsicum salsa
  • Guacamole
  • Zucchini and corn fritters
  • Chimichurri. An Argentinian dipping sauce

Chimichurri an Argentinean dipping sauce. Great served with soft shelled tacos

From our Summer garden; Parsley, spring onions, oregano leaves, coriander and red capsicums.


Large knife


Large bowl.

Small bowl.

Large tea towel.

4 small serving bowls.

4 serving spoons.


20 sprigs of parsley.

20 mint leaves

4 spring onions.

2 sprigs oregano.

1 large capsicum roasted and finely chopped.

½ cup olive oil.

2 table spns vinegar.

1 lime juiced.

½ cup cold water.

½ chilli finely chopped.


What to do.

  • Wash all the herbs and the spring onions then place onto a tea towel to dry.
  • Finely chop the spring onion. You may want to use a sharp pair of scissors to cut the spring onions.
  •  Pick all the leaves from the parsley, oregano and coriander stalks Set aside in a large bowl.
  • Next finely chop the stalks of all the herbs except the oregano. Place into the bowl with the chopped spring onions and the herbs.
  • Finely dice the roasted red capsicum and add to the large bowl with the chopped herbs.
  • Next measure out all the liquid ingredients and place into the large bowl.
  • Finally chop the chilli anfd add to the bowl. Mix all the ingredients together. Allow the mix to sit for about 2 to 3 minutes.
  • Now put the chimichurri into 4 bowls and serve.