
Well that Term went quickly!


It's hard to believe that this time next week we will be on holidays....

I hope everyone has a chance to recharge, hopefully with some sunny days.



We have a huge Term 3 planned in the Canteen:

We will be holding a Pizza lunch on Tuesday 20th July (orders are live now on MSC and must be finalised by 9.30am this Friday - the last day of term).


I will be working with JSC on a special event, raising money for Cancer Council. 


We will have our annual Footy Lunch day at the end of the term and I am working on something VERY special that I hope families will get behind early in the term....more on that very soon!


Thanks to someone special:

Do you have a teacher or ES member that you would like to thank for their assistance during our recent lockdown?  For $2.50 Canteen can provide a voucher for a coffee, hot chocolate etc. to staff members as a token of your appreciation. These vouchers can be found within the menu on MSC, under the Vouchers' tab.

Have a wonderful break, stay safe and I'll see you all in Term 3.
