School News 

Prep News

It has been lovely to be back in the classroom this week!  Our Prep students did an amazing job with their at home learning.  It was fantastic to see so many smiling faces on zoom turning up for all of the lessons and small groups.  Keeping up with this learning and routine has helped our Preps seamlessly transition back to school.  This week we have reconnected with teachers and friends and immersed ourselves in Investigations.  In Reading we have been focusing on our letter sounds and blending these sounds together.  In Writing we continue with our focus of writing a recount, encouraging the students to have a go at listening to the sounds they can hear in words.   In Math's this week we have had lots of hands on learning introducing addition.  We are so proud of the resilience and determination shown by our Prep students – well done!   

Level 1/2 News

Grade 1/2s returned for back-to-school learning with great energy! It was fantastic to see everyone in person again as the students were very excited to be in the classroom with their friends.

In Reading, we continued our focus on character traits, looking at fictional characters and ways we can describe the type of character they are, going beyond their physical traits.

In Writing, we are looking at including adjectives and adverbs to describe ideas. Students were provided with a picture prompt to inspire ideas. Students were able to provide many descriptions to tell their audience the sounds they heard, the emotions they felt and the different things they saw when retelling their experience. This resulted with some very impressive pieces of work, painting a very vivid image for the reader. Students also worked hard to complete procedural texts, consolidating their understanding of providing clear instructions for their audience.

Over the rest of this week, we will be concluding our Stimulating Science experiments about "Change". Classes will create Tzatziki dip, collecting mint leaves from Rolling Hills’ very own veggie patch to include in the mixture. A lava lamp and some jelly also demonstrate how substances change when mixed or heated. Recognising both reversible and irreversible changes is something you can continue at home as you create and cook meals together. 

Students have also completed their last AFL clinic. This has been a very popular experience with students learning many valuable skills. We would like to thank Miss Minton for organising this free experience for the whole level.

The Level 1/2 team would like to wish all students and families a happy and safe holidays. It is very well deserved by all. Thank you for your continuing support and we can’t wait to be back in Term 3 for more exciting learning activities.

Kind regards,

Kayla Hartrick, Daena Hailey, Ben Pedley, Llinos Poole and Tim Wilson.

Level 3/4 News

Level 3/4 News

What an interesting end to the term! We are so proud of our 3/4 students and their smooth transition back to school following Remote Learning. We would like to thank our wonderful families and students for their commitment, encouragement and involvement during Lockdown. It certainly is not a preferred learning style but we were very impressed with the way the students organised themselves and continued their learning.  

Student comments and feedback on yet another Remote Learning experience: 

“I missed being in the classroom and seeing all my friends.” Hayden T, Grade 3 

“At least we were productive during Lockdown and not bored. I disliked rushing around to get on zoom and then my internet didn’t work!” Elinor S, Grade 4 

“I didn’t enjoy being at home and learning with my sister so much. I liked being with my dogs though!” Emily N, Grade 3 

“I mean I liked being in bed while doing schoolwork.” Grace P, Grade 4 

“I liked being on zoom because it was so organised. I disliked not seeing my friends!” Finn J, Grade 4  

“I liked not wearing school uniform.  But I really missed my friends!” Sienna O, Grade 3 

“Definitely being back at school is way better because we get to see our friends and teachers!” Lincoln, Grade 4 

It has been wonderful being back in the classroom this week. The students have completed many end of term Learning tasks and assessments. They’ve shown plenty of perseverance!  

We are already looking forward to Term 3 and hopeful of a less interrupted term for all. Please keep checking Compass, the 3/4 Team will be sharing news about Camp soon!  

Kind regards, 

The Level 3/4 Team