Science & Bookweek

Observational drawings around change
Poking pencils through a water bag
Process of capillary action.
STEM - Beebot coding
Mrs Karen flying balloons across our yard.
The ever popular volcano eruption!
Beebot - designing pathways.
Dispersion of colour in milk.
Rainbow walking - colour transference.
Magnetic experimentations
Beebot - road design with a focus on orientation.
Cloud foam with 6M Buddy Class.
Jackson may have found an alternative use.
Gas balloon exchange.
Observational drawings around change
Poking pencils through a water bag
Process of capillary action.
STEM - Beebot coding
Mrs Karen flying balloons across our yard.
The ever popular volcano eruption!
Beebot - designing pathways.
Dispersion of colour in milk.
Rainbow walking - colour transference.
Magnetic experimentations
Beebot - road design with a focus on orientation.
Cloud foam with 6M Buddy Class.
Jackson may have found an alternative use.
Gas balloon exchange.

Science Week - Week 5

What a week of questioning, hypothesising, experimenting, trials and tribulations we had at Curiosity.


Our children were involved in many learning opportunities this week that gave the children the space and time to present their wonderings, test theories and look at the process of change through observation.


We know that children learn best by 'doing' and that they do this very well.  Offering experiences that do not always lead to an answer straight away offers children a place to sit within the unknown.  Sitting within the unknown builds courage, determination, anticipation and perseverance. 


Our Blue Team went over to the school and met with our Stage 4 Buddies, who presented the challenge of creating a marvellous mixture called 'Cloud Foam'.  Using hair conditioner, corn flour and coloured oil there was a fine balance to mix just the right amount of ingredients to get the formula just right.


An area of inquiry that will continue to be offered is around coding.  With the introduction of the Beebots (yellow coding robots), many of our children have navigated the design of some tracks and road ways that speak specifically into the codes they input into the robots.  At times the pathways were not able to allow the Beebot to move freely, so modifications had to be made to tracks to allow freedom of movement such as using dominoes to lift elevation.

Bookweek - Week 6

Little Red Riding Hood, Frog and Where's Wally
Puppies and Frog
Some book displays of some of our staffs favourite books
Little Red Riding Hood, Frog and Where's Wally
Puppies and Frog
Some book displays of some of our staffs favourite books

Some of our amazing book characters dressed up for a day of adventure.

Our Book week Big Garden Parade