Year 3/4 Term 3 Overview

Year 3/4 Term Three 2021


Welcome parents, guardians and families to Term 3! Looking back on Term Two it is great to think about the incredible learning experiences our students had and the exciting programs they were involved in. Some highlights included Grandparents Day, ‘Thrive Online’ cyber safety incursion, Circus Skills Incursion, First Eucharist ceremonies and many more. 

We are excited about the learning opportunities ahead and the awesome experiences students will be involved in during Term 3 such as  Literacy & Numeracy Week, our  District Athletics Carnival (Yr 4) and of course the St John’s whole school production! Thank you once again for all the support you offer as we continue to work with our students as they grow and learn everyday. 


Religious Education

In religion we will be examining the Catholic understanding of right relationships. We will explore the notion of relationships and how there are particular people who support us in life that we build right relationships with. We will explain the relationship between God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, examining scripture stories which include times that Jesus forgave others. 


Inquiry - Geography

We are learning about different places in Australia and the world, with an emphasis on Africa and South America. Students will be gaining a greater understanding of the location of cities and states of Australia and cities and countries around the world. Students will be able to identify characteristics of different locations and interpret geographical data such as climate, population and physical features. In making connections between similarities and differences between different places students will learn about cultural diversity such as language, money and customs. The Olympics will provide a backdrop for rich conversations about people from different places around the world. 



In Reading groups, students will engage in a range of comprehension, spelling and handwriting activities. We will be further utilising Reading Eggspress through weekly comprehension tasks individually set for students to complete during reading rotations. We will be rotating focus group activities where students will be improving their comprehension skills by:

  • making predictions
  • improving vocabulary
  • developing meaning of words in context
  • making inferences.

They will critically analyse various texts, using prior knowledge to form opinions and discuss a particular point of view.  


In Writing students will be learning to write interesting and engaging narrative texts. Through modelled, shared and independent writing lessons students will explore how to write exciting narrative stories that create tension, have excellent character descriptions and create a picture for the reader by using descriptive language. We will also focus on specific language conventions such as quotation marks, paragraphs and sentence structure.



Through independent, small and large group activities students will explore the following concepts:


     Multiplication and Division

  • Recall multiplication facts up to 6 X 10 (Year 3) and 10 X 10 (Year 4)
  • Develop efficient mental and written strategies for multiplication where there is no reminder
  • Understand the relationship between multiplication and division


  • Find the area of simple 2 dimensional (2D) regular and irregular shapes using metric units of centimeters and metres
  • Understand how multiplication is used to find the area of two dimensional shapes.


  • Use simple scales, legends and directions to interpret information contained in basic maps.

      Fractions and Decimals

  • Make connections between fractions and decimals.
  • Investigate equivalent fractions and make connections between fractions and decimals.

     3D Objects and Volume 

  • Make models of three-dimensional objects and describe key features
  • Describe the properties of 3D objects
  • Compare the volume of 3 dimensional objects using centicubes and litres.

Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)

This term in SEL our 3/4 students will be exploring Social Awareness. This will involve looking at identity, gender and strategies for help seeking. Students will be identifying similarities and differences between individuals and groups in a respectful manner and identifying the importance of including others in our activities, groups and games.


Home Learning

Home learning will continue again this semester with students beginning this in Week 1. We appreciate the fantastic support from all families as we look to build students’ time management and organisational skills. The expectations for home learning are for students to complete all compulsory activities and the set number of choice activities. The home learning program is designed to develop organisational skills and independent learning in a home setting. The tasks set cover a number of topics and subject areas such as Reading, Writing, Maths and Inquiry. We typically will include a creative art choice activity and something to do with the whole family, such as a cooking task or game to play together.  



Performing Arts, Visual Arts, PE and Italian are on Thursdays. 

Library and Sport will be on Monday. 

Students may wear sports uniforms on Mondays and Thursdays only


Digital Portfolios

At the end of Term 2 all families will have received an email with a link to their child’s 2021 digital portfolio. We will be sharing samples of your child’s learning during Term 3 once again and ask that you use this link to access your child’s digital portfolio. If you need the link emailed again please contact your child’s teacher. 


Communication / Parent Helpers

Effective communication between family and school is an important factor in students’ learning. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions, comments or concerns.  

We will endeavour to respond to emails within 24 hours, during weekdays.              


Please make sure that you have the Skoolbag App, as many school notices and reminders will be sent via the App.


Term 3 Yr 3/4 Dates (Please refer to the newsletter for whole school dates. The calendar is also on the Skool Bag app)


Winter Sports Carnival:                              16 August 

Student Led Conferences:                        18 August

Literacy and Numeracy Week:                 23 - 27 August 

District Athletics:                                         1 September 

Year 3 Level Mass:                                      11 and 12 September 

St John’s Whole School Production:      16 September 


Many thanks,


Tom Jackson, Kellie Cumming and Monica O’Shannassy