A chronicle of upcoming events

Friday 25th June

Term 2 ends (Semester 1) 2:30pm dismissal.

Reports issued on Compass.

Staff vs Students Volleyball @ lunch.

2.30PM Dismissal


Monday 12th July

Term 3, Semester 2 commences

Wednesday 14th July

GD Inter Boys Basketball

Thursday 15th July

GWR Cross Country

Tuesday 20th July

SCORE to Mt Napier / Byaduk Caves (Group 1)

Wednesday 21st July

Year 7/8 Boys Football

Monday 26th July

Year 10/11/12 Girls Football

English in Industry Halls Gap Zoo Excursion

Passport to employment

Tuesday 27th July

SCORE to Mt Napier / Byaduk Caves (Group 2)

Wednesday 28th July

Year 9-12 Information Evening in the Gym

Thursday 29th July

GAT - Students studying Unit 3/4 subjects are in the gym undertaking the General Achievement Test.

STUDENT FREE DAY (except GAT attendees)

Subject Selections Open

Monday 2nd August

School Netball Championships

Passport to Employment

Tuesday 3rd August

Cert II Elite Sports Experience

SCORE to Mt Napier / Byaduk Caves (Group 3)

Thursday 5th August

State Cross Country

Junior Girls Football  (7,8,9)

Monday 9th August

GWR Year 7/8 Soccer

Progress Reports Issued

Passport to Employment

Tuesday 10th August

Shooting - Coleraine

Wednesday 11th August

9/10 Boys Football

Monday 16th August

Passport to Employment

Wednesday 18th August

Parents Student Teacher Conferences:  Book on Compass.

Thursday 19th August

South West Shoot - Noorat

Friday 20th August

Subject Selections close.

Monday 23rd August

Passport to Employment

Wednesday 25th August

Rekindling Communities

Monday 30th August

Passport to Employment

Thursday 2nd September

Legacy Badge Selling

Monday 6th September

Progress Reports Issued

General Assembly

Passport to Employment

Friday 10th September

Psychology J Ward Excursion

Friday 17th September

Last Day Term 3, 2.30pm dismissal.