Deputy Principal's News

Dear Parents and Carers,


Whilst this is not the beginning of the term we had hoped for, we welcome you back to Term 3.  We hope that you were able to relax and catch up with family and friends during the school holidays.


As we engage in Remote learning, a few important reminders:

  • Classroom teachers will email you an overview of the coming week at 4:00 pm on Friday afternoon.
  • Friday is timetabled as a ‘Specialist Activity Day’.  An overview of the activities has been shared with families this afternoon.  Specialist staff have scheduled these activities to go live, Friday morning on Seesaw, for the students in years P-2.  For students in years 3-6, activities will be posted to their respective Google classrooms.
  • All overviews and classroom newsletters are posted to the followingSt James Parent Portal, please refer to the Remote and Flexible Learning tab.
  • If your child is attending school for onsite supervision, a friendly reminder that a parent or carer will need to walk them into school and fill in a Student COVID declaration form.  Given the rapidly changing circumstances and growing exposure sites list, this form will need to be completed on a daily basis.  In line with government guidelines, we ask that the parent/carer, signs into the school using the Service Victoria QR code, wear a mask, and respect social distancing.
  • Onsite students are required to wear their school/sports uniform and to bring their learning packs and fully charged devices each day.

Please stay safe during this time.  We look forward to welcoming the students back onsite very soon.


Kind regards,


Carmelina Corio



Device / Technology Support during Remote Learning 

(This helpline will close Tuesday 27th July at 3.30pm)

As our school community engages in flexible and remote learning, we understand that there are going to be unforeseen challenges that arise. These challenges will range from technological challenges to wellbeing challenges and whilst we can’t help with all of them, we want to do our part to help you get through this difficult time.


We have provisioned a dedicated support phone number that will be resourced with dedicated team members to provide parents/guardians with general IT support for their children throughout this remote learning period. We expect to be able to help with issues such as:

• My device won’t connect to the wireless

• Internet isn’t working

• I can’t print

• I can’t open Google Apps for Education


This general support for parents/guardians can be accessed by phoning 03 9998 6392 between the hours of 8:30 am and 5 pm Monday to Friday and will continue to operate throughout the remote learning period.


The service will be active during Remote and Flexible learning. It is important to note that in the interests of child safety, our team will only be able to provide support to parents/guardians and not the child themselves. 


Borrowed School Devices

As we prepare to return to school, a friendly reminder that all school devices (iPads or Chromebooks) borrowed from school during Remote Learning, need to be returned to school on Wednesday 28th July in the red or blue St James pouch.  In addition to this, all resources, books, pencils, etc., which were sent home with students will also need to come back to school. 


If the device has been damaged or you have a concern, please email me at



School Closure Days for 2021 

The following 4 dates are designated school closure days for Teacher planning and professional learning.


COVID-19 Safety at School

At St James we have put a number of strategies in place to reduce the risk of transmission.  No one strategy is 100% effective.  


Here are just some of the ways we are doing to keep our Students, School community and Staff safe and well. 


In light of current restrictions and inline with our School COVID Safety we ask that you respect and follow the following guidelines.


Service Victoria QR Code and Face Masks

We kindly ask that all parents, carers and contractors and volunteers check-in using the Service Vic QR code displayed and wear a mask when entering the school building.

Thank you.



Self Isolating during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Can we kindly ask that if you or your family are required to self isolate during these times, that you inform the school via so that we can offer any assistance possible.


Thank you!


 Social Distancing

Thank you to all parents and carers who are helping the community to stay safe and healthy by keeping 1.5m apart at drop off and pick up times.

Although physical distancing will not apply to students in class, it does still apply to staff and parents. Therefore we ask that you respect our requests to minimise contact and continue with social distancing during drop off and pick ups, adults will also need to adhere to wearing masks when in public places including drop off and pick up when it is not possible to socially distance.



St James Catholic Primary School (School Portal) 

Please click here to access the School Portal



Social Media

Please follow, like and share our school Facebook, Twitter and Instagram Feeds. 



School Website:

Twitter:  St James Catholic Primary School, 3186

Instagram:  stjamesbrighton3186

Facebook: @stjamesbrighton3186
