The Theory of Technology

By Evie T (Year 9) 

Since COVID-19, humans have come to rely and get hooked on the internet and technology even more, and it's significantly effected how schools have been run. But is this a bad thing? And anyway, what is technology in the first place?


Teenagers might describe technology as iPhones, TV or handheld devices to play games on. But older generations might describe technology as digital clocks, washing machines, smart fridges and gas fires. Technology is something that has changed so quickly in such a short amount of time that even though humans created it, it is almost alien to us.


This, in and of itself, has caused a significant gap between generations that is getting increasingly difficult to breach as humans and technology evolve around the world.

A source in Year 9 describes their own use of tech as 'it’s all I know or have been taught. I think that I was brought up with the occasional use of a laptop or iPad and mostly TV. So, I am really blind to reality and what it actually is, but what can you do? Like you can say "You wish you were more educated on technology," but so do the teachers. It changes every day, the new standard of technological advancement but no one knows what it does.'


On top of that, what is technology even used for? All over the world there are devastating and otherworldly events happening right now, such as famine, poverty, discrimination, climate change… and on the flip side there is space exploration, love, charity and medical advancements we never thought would come. Technology can be used to embellish all of the good things, and even help stop the bad things. But all we are doing right now, is 'constantly adapting technology that can force a human mind to be addicted to a screen, a piece of software for money. We are using our own people like bits of data that can make cash.'


So, what does all of this mean? Because of the way that different generations have grown up with different types of technology and even development rates, everyone seems to have a different perspective on the 'right' way to safely use the tech that is so readily dropped in front of our noses. People even have different exposure to the dangers of the internet, and as long as it exists, people will continue to have unique experiences.


There is no 'right' or 'wrong' way to use technology, as it has been around for so little time for anyone to justify what 'right' or 'wrong' is. My source put up an interesting point, saying that, 'I think that each generation having opinions on [tech] is fine, but not when they criticize another generation for [having] their own opinions as well.'


Technology is not an enemy we need to defeat. It is a tool we can use to communicate on an enormous scale with the world, and a way we can spread awareness for all the things that need to change. In today's day and age, fighting each other's usage of technology is getting nowhere. We need to fight bigger battles, and if tech helps us do so, then we must use it to our advantage as much as possible.