Junior Journalists Newsletter

This week's news from the Junior Journalists

Acknowledgement of Country

We would like to Acknowledge the Wiradjuri People, who are the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we have worked to create this publication. We Acknowledge that Australia always was and always will be Aboriginal Land and pay respect to the local Aboriginal Land on which our audience are accessing this news. 


The end of this week marks the commencement of National Reconciliation Week. May we work together to speak the truth about our shared history as we strive to build a brighter future together. 

Cross Country Carnival

On Monday May 16, the Junior School held our Cross Country Carnival on the Sally Kennett Playing Fields. As this event was rescheduled due to wet weather in previous weeks, all age groups competed at different times during the day. 


The course was challenging but also very picturesque. Different age groups were required to complete a different number of laps around the course to make sure they achieved the set distance for their competition. 


We congratulate all our friends for their spirit and persistence in finishing the race. A special shout out and best wishes to the athletes who have been selected to compete at the next level. We would also like to thank Mr Jones and all the people who were involved in making our racing experience an exciting one. 

Year 6 Leadership Conference  

Tuesday May 17 saw our Year 6 Leaders head away to participate in a Leadership Conference. The team left school early Tuesday morning with Mrs Hayward and arrived back late Tuesday evening. We thank our leaders for everything they do to support us and appreciate all their hard work. Who knows, we may even get the opportunity to interview some leaders soon!...

JJ’s Brain Teasers

What am I?

You can see me from a distance…

You may spot my spots at the zoo… 

I am categorised as a herbivore…

I am a…


What would a…

Crab do with an iPad…


Answers at the bottom of the page.

Through the Looking Glass: Teacher Interviews

Mrs Milliken 

Leader of Learning and Wellbeing K - 6

Mrs Milliken and Junior Journalists under the Friendship Tree.
Mrs Milliken and Junior Journalists under the Friendship Tree.


Q: What are your hobbies? 

A: Reading books, talking on the phone, walks and planting trees

Q: What is your favourite colour? 

A: Red

Q: What is one of your 2022 goals? 

A: To move onto our farm

Q: Why did you choose Kinross? 

A: Extra-curricular opportunities

Q: What is your favourite place in Orange? 

A: Lake Canobolas

Q: Do you have any pets? 

A: Sure do! A dog called Gus, a ram called Sir Ramcerlot and 3 chickens, Laura, Penny and Chickaletta. 

Q: City or Country? 

A: Country  

Q: Kangaroo or Koala? A: Koala

Q: What is your favourite book? 

A: A classic is ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ and a favourite is ‘Each Peach, Pear, Plumb’.  


Ms Dodson 

Coordinator of Teaching and Learning K‑6

Ms Dodson and Junior Journalists near the library.
Ms Dodson and Junior Journalists near the library.


Q: What is one of your 2022 goals? 

A: To solve a Rubix Cube

Q: What is your favourite place in Orange? 

A: Cook Park

Q: What is your favourite colour? 

A: Green 

Q: What is your favourite food? 

A: Asian Noodles

Q: What did you want to be when you were growing up? 

A: A Pre-K teacher

Q: Why do you like to teach? 

A: Because I love to see children excited to learn more

Q: Summer or Winter? 

A: Winter

Q: Running or Swimming? 

A: Swimming 

Q: What is your favourite book? 

A: ‘Harry Potter’ and ‘The Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe’ 

Q: Do you have any pets? 

A: 2 cats called Ralph and Albie

Guess Who

Which Junior Journalist am I?

This Junior Journalist wears sunglasses because their ideas are too bright…

Is your guess this week going to be right?…


What am I? = A giraffe

What would a… = take shellfies 

Guess Who? =  It is Samuel Milliken in K Paddington