From the Head of Senior School

Mr Trent Chapman

Cover lessons in the DPA

This week we informed parents and guardians that the school is currently experiencing an elevated level of staff absence due to high numbers of COVID-19 cases, influenza and other illnesses. This unprecedented situation is presenting a challenge to schools all over the State. We have moved to using the Derek Pigot Auditorium for supervision of multiple ‘cover’ classes in one location. Our aim is to reduce and manage the high number of additional classes currently required from our teaching staff. We will continue to use the DPA for this purpose until the end of Term 2, if required. 


So far, students have responded very well, and the general tone and engagement of students has been positive. The most important reminders we must give students for the coming weeks is to arrive prepared for independent learning, ensure laptops are fully charged at the start of each day and frequently check the HUB during the school day for updates.


I would be grateful if parents and guardians could reiterate these messages with their children and check in with them each morning so that they are prepared for any changes to their usual daily routine. 

Whole School Survey

As part of our continuous improvement process, the school has provided opportunities for students in Years 5 to 12 to provide us with feedback relating to their views of the school across a wide range of areas. 


The research is being conducted by MMG Education, a specialist education consultancy that works with schools in the areas of school strategic reviews and stakeholder satisfaction. MMG’s client schools include many schools across Australia. 


During week 5, all students in the Senior School were invited to complete online questionnaires. Parents and staff were also invited to complete surveys during this time. I wish to extend my thanks to everyone in the school community who has contributed.

Debating – A very successful 2022

This year Kinross Wolaroi  has six debating teams. There are two teams in each division. The students meet twice a week for meetings and are a tight knit group who enjoy debating. They are very supportive of each other, and our team captains Stephanie Wong and Eleanor Armstrong, help with training, and organisation.  


They have participated in four rounds of the HICES competition debating teams in the Central West and Sydney.  


The Senior KWS 2, a team of Year 9 students, are undefeated. The Opens KWS 2 have won 3 of the four debates in which they have competed thus far. The other teams are skillful, each recording wins, and the losses have been extremely narrow against competitive teams. 


Our speakers have been noted for their skill by other schools and adjudicators alike. On successive occasions they have been awarded best speaker points consistently across all divisions.


It is very rewarding to see these students participate with enthusiasm, team spirit and empathy of the world around them. Congratulations to our Debaters on their success this year, and many thanks to Mrs Justina Holland, who organises and supports our teams.