Rebecca Durran

Year 12 Coordinator


Welcome back to Term 2, a short and busy term this year. 

A big welcome on board to Sherryn Martin who is now the Year 11 Year Level coordinator for the rest of 2022. Term 2 brings new challenges for the Senior Sub School with more SAC preparation, more outcomes to be ticked off and upcoming exams. 

Progress Reports

Progress reports are a great tool for you to generate discussion with your students in relation to how they are performing on a day-to-day basis in the classroom and encourage your students to have discussions with their teachers about how improvements in results and learning behaviours can be made throughout the term.

Senior students VS staff netball game 

During Week 1 of this term, Madi O’Connor organised a staff vs Year 11 and 12 student’s netball game, there was a great turn out in both teams with teachers taking the win for round 1. Students should keep their eye on Compass for round 2 and other upcoming sports throughout the term. I encourage any students who have some ideas to promote belonging to school to be in touch with their relevant Year Level Coordinators.

Practice GAT on Curriculum Day – Wednesday 18 May. 

All students completing a Unit 3 & 4 VCE Subject, a scored VET or a Senior VCAL Certificate are required to sit the GAT this year. There is a new format for the 2022 GAT therefore, we a replicating this during the practice GAT to ensure students are prepared.


Senior VCAL will participate in Section A of the GAT. 


Unit 3&4 VCE and scored VET students will need to sit Section A & B of the GAT.


Students will be given additional information via assemblies at school and Google Classroom to ensure they are prepared for the practice GAT to run at school.



General Achievement Test

 Section A: Literacy (Reading and Writing) and Numeracy
9:30 to 9:45 amReading time
9:45 to 11:45 am

Writing time to complete Section A, which has:

  • one writing task with two parts
  • 50 numeracy multiple-choice questions
  • 50 reading multiple-choice questions
11:45 am to 1:15 pmBreak
 Section B: General knowledge and skills
1:15 to 1:30 pmReading time
1:30 to 3:00 pm

Writing time to complete Section B, which has:

  • one extended writing task
  • 25 mathematics, science and technology multiple-choice questions
  • 25 arts and humanities multiple-choice questions

Purple Day – Epilepsy Fundraiser

Congratulation to Kaitlyn Hazletine and Nessa Briggs, with the support of their VCAL Personal Development class, for raising $1,253.31 for the Epilepsy Foundation Australia. Kaitlyn and Nessa put in a lot of hard work in researching, planning, and organising ‘Purple Day’ for epilepsy awareness in Term 1.