Steve Quinn
Middle Sub School Leader
What a great start to the term it has been in the Middle Sub School! Everyone has returned after a fun and restful holiday and are settling back into the rhythm of the school day nicely. Term 2 is always a busy one with exams, semester changes, reports, etc, but we also have much more happening in the MSS to get excited about.
Year 10 Life Skills Incursion
On Friday 27 May (Week 5) Year 10 students will be attending our Life Skills Incursion. This incursion aims to expose students to the new experiences and activities they will be facing from this time in their lives. Road Smart will be visiting to speak to the cohort about road safety and how to become lifetime safe drivers, students will be changing tyres, ironing shirts and tying ties and we will be engaging further with the SHINE survey that students have been involved with for the last few years. The day will hopefully be a big hit!
Year 10 Leadership Camp
During the last week of Term 1 we had 11 enthusiastic and motivated Year 10 students venture all the way to Gippsland to participate in our Year 10 Leadership camp at Rubicon Nayook Campus. This camp looks to challenge students, develop their resilience and confidence and identify their personal leadership skills. Students were involved in initiative and team building activities, College improvement planning and a two night three day hike in the Alpine National Park. The students involved were:
- Rachel Bath
- Taylah Drew
- Jaxon Glynn
- Toby Jacometti
- Seth McCleish
- Henry Reed
- Koji Stanton-Lawrence
- Chloe Stokoe
- Nya Tut
- Ethan Walder
- Tarrant Wilke
Henry's Camp Report
The rubicon Leadership camp was an amazing experience. We learned life long leadership skills that will benefit us indefinitely. We started our journey at the North Geelong train station, where we took the train all the way to Warragul, and then took a bus all the way up to Nayook, where we arrived to the Rubicon Outdoor School campus. We prepared for the hike ahead of us and packed everything we needed, and then spent the first night at base camp, which was a 10 minute walk from the campus. The next day we got up at sunrise and set sail on our 3 day hiking adventure. We hiked all day, going through Mt. Baw Baw, carrying all our equipment and saw views that you couldn’t see anywhere else. We were assigned to groups, which were responsible for different things such as Leadership, Environmental, hygiene, and kitchen - everyone rotated through the groups each day. At night, we would reflect on our day, and consider how we used leadership, and how we can integrate leadership into our daily lives. Each day was a new experience, coming across different challenges, such as the extreme wet weather on the third night, or having to walk an extra 3km to the bus on the way home, due to a tree blocking the way to the Australian Alps Walking Track car park. We camped in a variety of environments, including the rainforests of Mt Erica, and under massive rocks at The Mushroom Rocks campsite. The views were amazing - we were extremely remote, and it was just us and nature. Overall, this camp was life changing. We learned so much about ourselves and leadership, and made life-long memories.
Henry Reed
Year 10 Student
Progress Reports
Just a reminder that progress reports have been released and as always, we encourage you to look over these with your students, celebrate successes and identify areas for improvement. Please contact either myself or the relevant coordinators for support if you have any questions or concerns regarding their data.
This year we have been recognising great academic achievement on our progress reports by inviting students to a lunch event where they can come and enjoy some food and beverages and celebrate their achievements with each other and their teachers. For the most recent progress report cycle we have recognised those students who have shown the greatest improvement over the year to date. Those students recognised this time were:
Year 9
- Janaya Robertson
- Jade Robertson
- Makayla Jacobs
- Ashley Clingan
- Caylan Washington
Year 10
- Eh Ler Paw
- Zak Wilson
- Enoch Opoku
- Jessica Puche
- Joel Habraken
Well done to you all and keep up the incredible effort, it is not going unnoticed!