Adam Bond
Junior Sub School Manager
A few weeks into Term Two, it is fantastic to see Year 7 students now well and truly settling into the daily life at NGSC. In saying this, many Year 8 students are also still finding their feet and learning what is required of them from first thing in the morning until the stampede that leaves the gates at 3:10 pm!
Just to keep everyone on their toes we like to make sure that there are no two weeks the same offering a variety of activities/excursions. This included a really positive end of term excursion to Rippleside Park to enjoy the sun and partake in a variety of different activities facilitated by staff. Since returning this term we have now kicked off with NAPLAN testing and a variety of different inter-school sports that students can sign up for to compete against other local schools and possibly some former classmates from primary school!
Student Equipment for Class
I cannot stress enough the importance of all students having the right equipment for the class. This includes ensuring that students have a variety of different stationery items in a pencil case and a fully operational Chromebook. If there are any issues with the functionality of your child’s Chromebook, please ensure that either they or you contact IT so that a plan can be discussed to make sure that your child is not missing out. All students are also required to have access to the Oxford online textbooks. To do this, all parents/carers were required to purchase this subscription through the Campion booklist. If you are unsure if this has occurred, please ask your child if they are able to access the subscription. Once again, it is of importance to ensure that your child can access the appropriate resources and work. It is not really the responsibility of the class teacher to provide alternatives if your child is unable to access this resource. In addition to this, it does impact on the planning and facilitation of classes if the teacher is attempting to organise separate work and resources for your child.
Progress Reports
I also encourage you to carefully go through your child’s progress reports with them when they become available to celebrate areas in which your child is successful or has shown genuine improvement. Such data can also assist in having conversations in relation to areas that require improvement and what can be done to encourage such change.
Mobile Phones
It is also not new to anyone that students are not permitted to use mobile phones during the day. This is from the time that students arrive at school until the 3:10 stampede. If your child is making contact with you during the day from their phone, I urge you to encourage them not to. I can also assure you that if the college feels that you are required to be informed of something that has occurred at school we will make contact. The use of mobile phones is not a school rule, it is state law and should be followed by all.
Stay safe and look after those around you.