Human Centred Design Thinking

On Tuesday 3 May, students from the Year 9 Community time - Human Centred Design Thinking elective were working on their individual projects.  


Students used the available resources from the STEAMWORKS Room such as, Lego and 3D printing to create new half pipes for Lillydale Lake, stamps for their puddlers and even a NEW website for ordering food from our LHS canteen. 


There are some top secret projects that are on a need to know this space!


Julie Colyer



Community Sport

Community Sport students (Year 9 elective) have been working towards building training programs for Grades 5/6 primary students across a variety of sports. 


Sports include; Touch Rugby, Netball, Volleyball, T-ball, AFL and Soccer. 


Here are some photos from the class that took T-Ball at Rolling Hills Primary and Touch Rugby at Victoria Park Primary.

Zoe Younger